-03- 🖤 Mend What's Helpless

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"I won't tell you I'm lonely, 'cause it might be selfish. I won't ask you to hold me, 'cause that won't mend what's helpless. . . Nothing can fill up the space. Won't ask you to stay. But let me ask you one thing. Oh, when did you fall out of love?"
~Alessia Cara, 'Out Of Love'


*Arthit's POV*

"Hey, Kong!" Bright abruptly exclaims. "Are you dating anyone?"

"Bright!" Knot hisses, while Prem smacks his palm to his forehead. My cheeks heat up as I mentally curse my friend. Nervously, I peek over at Kongpob to see his reaction, only to find him already watching me. He hasn't confirmed or denied the accusation yet, which causes my stomach to twist.

Please, don't have a new boyfriend. Being apart from you is hard enough. I don't think I can bear knowing you fell in love with someone else.

I can't take my eyes off Kongpob as I anxiously await his answer. His eyes soften, and he opens his mouth to speak.


"Because Arthit is dating!" Bright announces, and my eyes bulge out of my head. What the hell is he doing?

"Y-You are?" Kongpob whispers, sounding so painfully dejected that I nearly want to cry.

"Of course he is!" Bright lies before I have the chance to say anything. "Don't you know how popular our Arthit is? He could only hold them back for so long before finally giving in!"

I'm going to kill him. I'm going to leave this restaurant tonight with one less friend.

"Congratulations again, Bright," Kongpob mumbles, standing on shaky legs. His face is somehow both pale and flushed as he heads towards the exit, ignoring his friends shouting after him.

"Kongpob!" I shout, making him hesitate for a split second before stumbling out the door. I curse under my breath, chasing after him. Whether or not he wants to be around me right now is irrelevant. Kongpob is in no condition to get himself home safely.

I push the doors open, whipping my head around to try and find him. I spot him stumbling down the sidewalk, and I groan before jogging to catch up with him. Kongpob swerves, tripping over a trash can and groaning as he hits the pavement. Idiot.

It gives me a chance to catch up to him, and I kneel by his side as he tries to pull himself up.

"Are you crazy?!" I scold him, making him blink at me in surprise. "How much did you drink?"

"I didn't drink anything," Kongpob grumbles, snatching his arm away when I try to help him up.

I furrow my brows. "You didn't drink? Then why the hell are you running around like a drunkard?"

"It's none of your business," he says coldly, sending a sharp pain through my heart. He's right... it's none of my business. I'm not his lover. We're nothing but strangers to each other now.

"Fine," I snap. "Get home on your own then. See if I care."

Fuming, I turn on my heel and march back towards the restaurant. Who the hell does he think he is? I was only trying to help. Does he really hate me that much, that he can't even stand receiving my help? Another crash makes me turn back around, and I see Kongpob tripping over yet another trash can. Sighing, I head back over to the stumbling idiot. I grab his arm, forcing him to his feet. Kongpob glares at me, trying to pull his arm away but I hold onto him tightly.

"Knock it off, I'm taking you home," I state, dragging him along with me.

"I can get home by myself," he argues, yet I don't release his arm.

"You don't seem like you're in the right headspace to get home safely. If I leave you here, I'll just be worrying about you all night. Just let me take you home, and we can go our separate ways."

Kongpob stares blankly at me. Shaking my head, I wave down a cab. I give the driver Kongpob's address before shoving Kong into the backseat and sliding in beside him. The drive is silent and awkward, mainly because Kongpob won't stop staring at me.

"What?" I demand, already feeling exhausted.

"You said you would worry about me."


Kongpob swallows thickly. "Back there. You said you would be worrying about me all night. Did you mean that?"

For a moment, the cool exterior Kongpob's been displaying all night slips away, and I catch a glimpse of my former boyfriend. The one who was so sweet and caring, always clinging to any affection I would give him. He knew I loved him, but I wasn't the best at showing it. Where I lacked the ability to express my feelings, Kongpob made up for it tenfold by being affectionate enough for the both of us.

"Yes," I answer him, keeping my voice level. "I did."

He wants to ask more; I can see it by the way his eyes flicker hesitantly. But he doesn't, opting to press his lips in a tight line and look out the car window. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, trying to chase away the headache that's settling in.

Thankfully, we arrive at Kongpob's apartment without either of us breaking down. I walk Kongpob inside, staying a few feet behind him to give him some space. After all, he still hasn't shown any signs of actually wanting me here. For all I know, I'm making him feel more uncomfortable than necessary.

We get to his door, and I awkwardly scratch the back of my head.

"Have a good night, Kongpob," I say softly, turning to leave.

"Arthit, wait!" Kongpob calls out, making me stop in my tracks. He glances down at his shuffling feet before looking back up at me with nervous eyes. "Do you want to come in?"


oooohhhhh what's gonna happen??

This chapter makes me wanna re-watch SOTUS because I love them so much

See you next time!

See you next time!-Gumbie

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