-08- 🖤 Fix What I've Broken

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"I'd climb every mountain, and swim every ocean. Just to be with you, and fix what I've broken. Oh, 'cause I need you to see that you are the reason."
~Calum Scott, 'You Are The Reason'


*Kongpob's POV*

"The number you have dialed is unavailable."

Cursing, I hang up the phone and dial his number again. For the fifth time.

"The number you have dialed is—"

"Dammit!" I groan in frustration, ending the call. Why did I kick him out in the first place? I should've seized the opportunity while it was right in front of me to make amends and get my lover back. But instead, I had to mess everything up by leaving that stupid note.

I can't give up. I gave up two years ago and I'm not going to do it again. Being without Arthit is harder than keeping our relationship a secret. If he wants our relationship to be private, fine, I concede. I just need my Ai'Oon back.

Before I can dial his number for the sixth time, my father's number pops up on my screen. Frowning, I accept the call.

"Hello?" I start into the receiver. "Father?"

"Kongpob," my father's voice comes through the line, sounding tense. "You need to come home as soon as you can."

"What is it? Did something happen? Is mother hurt?"

"Your mother's fine. Just come home quickly."


I furrow my brows, staring at my phone as if it'll spill whatever secret my father is hiding. Sighing, I stuff my phone in my jeans pocket and head out to my car. Of all the days for my father to call me home, it just had to be today. I need to find Arthit, but I can't exactly ignore my family either.

Pulling up to my parents' house, I feel myself stiffen. There are two cars in front of their house that I don't recognize. Do they have guests? Is that why they needed me to come home? Unbuckling my seat belt, I climb out of the car and hesitantly approach the house. The door swings open two seconds after I knock, and my mother greets me with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Kongpob," she says, smiling faintly. "You know you don't have to knock at this house."

"It's polite," I argue, and her smile briefly widens.

"Yes, well, come in. Everyone's waiting."

"Everyone?" I question, but I'm ignored as my mother ushers me to the living room. "Who's—"

The word gets caught in my throat when I see Arthit sitting on the couch, with his parents sitting perpendicular to him.

"Arthit," my voice is filled with surprise at the sight of Arthit and his family sitting in my parents' house. Arthit wrings his hands nervously, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Have a seat, son," my dad tells me, gesturing to the open spot next to Arthit. I cautiously sit down, carefully looking at all the faces in the room.

"What's going on?" I ask them.

"Arthit said he has something to tell all of us, but he wouldn't start without you here," my dad fills me in, and my head snaps to Arthit.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Something I should've done a long time ago," Arthit murmurs back, sitting up straight. He takes my hand, causing confusion to fall over the room. "Kongpob and I have something to tell you all, that we should've told you long ago. But we didn't, because I was scared and didn't have enough faith. Now I do, at least I'm hoping that I do. Kongpob and I... are dating."

Without You [KongpobArthit 18+]Where stories live. Discover now