-05- 🖤 Different Than Before

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[A/N - Play the song 🖤]

"And now I'm closin' every door. 'Cause I'm sick of wantin' more. You were good to me. You were good to me, yeah. Swear I'm different than before. I won't hurt you anymore. 'Cause you were good to me."
~Jeremy Zucker, 'You Were Good To Me'


*Arthit's POV*

Kongpob moves his lips against mine slowly. His arms are wrapped around me, lightly touching my back. Part of me is embarrassed to be straddling his lap, but I'm not nearly as focused on that as I am on the fact that Kongpob is kissing me.

Granted, I kissed him first, but I didn't expect him to kiss me back. And now, his lips are coaxing mine into a familiar dance that we once knew so well. My eyes flutter shut as I start to melt, allowing myself to fall victim to his every touch.

Kongpob deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I hum in surprise, but open my mouth wide to grant him more access. His tongue caresses mine in a way that makes my mind go blank.

It's been so long that I didn't realize how much I've needed this. How much I've missed this part of our relationship.

My arms wind around his neck, pulling myself closer to him. His kisses are so tender and familiar, tugging at my heartstrings. I whimper softly; my need growing with each passing second.

Kongpob detaches his lips from mine, making me whine until he starts peppering kisses along my jawline. I tilt my head back, moaning when his lips trail over my throat.

Should... should we be doing this? We haven't talked about what this would mean; if we're getting back together. Maybe we should stop and— oh.

I feel him, hard beneath my ass. Just a few little kisses, and he's already this aroused? It makes me wonder when was the last time he had sex. Not that I'm any better. My erection is already pressing against the zipper of my pants.

"Arthit..." Kongpob whispers, his breath brushing my skin.

I moan as he sucks on my collarbone, leaving behind a pale purple love bite.


My hips rock forward, grinding down against his erection.


"Kong," I moan, gripping at his shirt. "Please..."

He pulls back, looking deep into my eyes. My cheeks are flushed and my breathing is heavy as I stare back at him, biting my lower lip. Kongpob waits, and I give him a small nod.

In an instant, Kongpob is lifting me off the couch. My legs wrap around his waist, clinging to him as he carries me to his bedroom. He gently lays me down on the bed without disconnecting our bodies. Grabbing his shirt, I pull him down towards me and reconnect our lips.

This kiss is much different than the one before. While the first kiss was slow and reminiscent, this one is much more heated. Hungry. Desperate.

His body presses into mine, igniting a fire deep in my core. It's a fire that I haven't felt in a long time, and god, how I've missed it.

Our tongues battle in a fight for dominance that I'm never intent on losing. But as always, Kongpob finds a way to make me surrender. He tightly grips my ass, kneading the round flesh and making me melt into the bed. I moan into his mouth, surrendering control.

Kongpob breaks the kiss to pull his shirt over his head. My mouth waters at the sight of his exposed torso, and I run my hand appreciatively along the defined muscles. Clearly, he's been working out over the past two years, and it has my cock harder than I thought possible.

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