-10- 🖤 With You

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[A/N - Play the song 🖤]

"How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to wash up on the sand. How long will I want you? As long as you want me to, and longer by far."
~Ellie Goulding, 'How Long Will I Love You'


*Kongpob's POV*

Lying on my bed, Arthit and I are propped on our sides, facing each other. While a big part of me wants to hold him, I also want to gaze at his beautiful face that I've missed so much over the past two years. The way his black hair dips into his round eyes. His pink pouty lips, which are slightly parted and so tempting. The creamy skin of his cheeks, lightly colored by the delicate blush that has formed from me staring at him.

God, he's perfect.

"Kongpob," Arthit huffs, his nose wrinkling adorably. "Stop staring at me like that. It's embarrassing."

"Can I not stare at the man I love?" I question with a grin. His blush spreads to the tips of his ears.

"No," he retorts, turning onto his other side and facing away from me. My grin turns into a frown as Arthit hides from me.

"Ai'Oon," I coo, tugging at his shoulder. "Don't hide from me. Let me see you."

When he doesn't respond, I decide to take matters into my own hands and climb on top of him. I push against his shoulders, pinning him to the bed beneath me and forcing him to look at me.

"W-What do you think you're doing?" Arthit protests, his cheeks aflame.

"Showing you how much I missed you," I murmur. Arthit blinks a few times, his lids growing heavy as he stares up at me. His pupils dilate as his gaze drops down to my lips.

Sliding my hands from his shoulders, I intertwine our fingers and press his hands into the bed. Arthit gulps, shifting beneath me and letting me feel exactly how much my little touches are affecting him.

He's never been the most verbally expressive of his feelings, but I'm okay with that. I fell in love with Arthit for exactly who he is. I would never ask him to change, because he's already perfect in my eyes. Besides, where he lacks with words, he makes up for with actions. Facial expressions. The way his eyes light up whenever he sees me; how his cheeks turn pink whenever I'm close. The involuntary reactions from his body speak louder than words.

"I love you," Arthit suddenly says. My breath hitches as I'm caught off guard.

Okay, maybe words aren't too bad either.

"Say it again," I request with a smile.

Arthit rolls his eyes. "No."


He huffs; the annoyed sound juxtaposing the way his fingers tighten around mine. "Fine. But only because I couldn't say it for a long time. I love you, Kongpob. I never stopped, and I never will stop. I want to be with you for as long as you love me."

My eyes shine with unshed tears. While I used to wish for Arthit to say he loves me every day, I can appreciate why he doesn't. Because now, I hold each and every confession like a rare and precious jewel; never taking his affection for granted.

"I love you, Ai'Oon," I ardently profess, enjoying the way his blush deepens at the nickname. "And you'll be stuck with me for the rest of our lives, because I'll never stop loving you."

Dipping my head down, I lightly brush our lips together. Arthit whimpers beneath me, tilting his head up in a silent plea for more. Feeling him pushing against my hands, I release my hold on him. Arthit slides his hands into my hair, tangling with the dark locks.

Without You [KongpobArthit 18+]Where stories live. Discover now