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"Kiss me & tell me you could never love me?"

It was meant to be a birthday treat filled with teenage memories ignited by the music played live by those who when younger she'd followed, fallen for and idolised.Time had been good to them with each looking as good; if not better than they had when smiling down from the glossy full colour posters decorating her bedroom walls.Like the music they sang, they were timeless, each appearing flawless.'Like they'd been frozen in time.'Watching those she'd once dreamt of being close to, she had no idea they were watching her too.

'A concert?'A young housewife reliving what had been her youth through the magical and creative indulgence of sound.Blinded by the bright stage lights and enchanted by the story telling vocals.How did she fail to see what she was watching? Words leaving lips, words entering ears as eyes met eyes and smiles conveyed that a good time was being had by all.Perhaps they should have known better, the truth was; they didn't know anything.'One night.'A night out with the girls, one innocent night and one thoughtful birthday gift.It only took a matter of minutes. How could she not have seen what was before her eyes? It only took a few seconds for something to happened which would change the rest of her life.

'A besotted teenager.'There was a time when she'd loved them all, a time when each had taken his turn in being her teenage crush.Who hasn't fallen head over heart and found him or herself lost in a make-believe relationship with their pop, rock or actor idol.Handsome and strong, there isn't a teen alive who hasn't been captivated by the rich and the famous, falling under the magical spell of fantasy.When first we delve into the world of the popular, we each become lost and when perceiving all the things which might be, we all dream.

'How did she not see?'Nothing was meant to happen, no intension and no expectations.Jinni Dunkirk knew she should have answered his question.'It was a simple question to reply.'She was a happily married mother of two and he was a famous rock/pop star.A singer and professional performer, she was like everyone else and he was out of reach.Dark charismatic good looks; many a woman desired his type.What was he doing talking to someone like her, wanting someone so ordinary and watching the person she was?He was the popular vocalist with a worldly renowned band, a man to have found his fortune and fame when following his artistic ambition and using what people referred to as being his god given talent to entertain.As a teenager she would have dropped into his arms in an instant, as a mature female with a family and responsibilities; she failed to notice his arms being open.

'Can money buy love?'Jinni was to discover how money could buy anything and everything else.What price can be put on a person's heart, her soul, her way of life and her home?'What price for a family?'Can love and loyalty be put up for sale and sold to the highest bidder.Is it true everyone and everything has a price? Is anyone truly strong enough not to follow their hearts' desire, no matter what the monetary and emotional cost.

'Fact or fantasy?'Could it be that ones first love is and always will be ones only true love?Belief and excitement, tears and disappointment.We all do it, we are all guilty, each and every one of us dreams and fantasises, believing we will be the one to have our dream come true.A voice singing an all time favourite songs, words with meaning adorning a memorable tune, a face we find attractive, someone we think we want and everything we want to join in with.We all have someone or something we see to be our true hearts desire.

'The face's decorating her bedroom walls.'With the pictures, posters and portraits of those who inspire placed all around us, we allow them to share our personal space and picture them being our ideal companion.Do we truly fall in love with the one responsible for our first crush?We all fall, head over heels, heart over head and deeper than deep, but like any unintentional stumble; who we fall in love with, can sometimes be out of our control.

'Attraction & desire?'Need, want, love and lust.Hitting like the sudden clap of a thunderbolt and knocking us off our feet as fast as the crack of a lightening strike, love can be unexpected, fast moving and when arriving without warning, true love is often unavoidable.

'Childhood?'A magical and fascinating adventure, a time for learning, as a child, we see everyone and everything through young and fresh eyes.Becoming a teenager is a time of adventurous exploration, a time which allows us to grow; awarding us the chance to believe.When teenagers, we experience our first real life dreams, maturing from child into adulthood, we each take one step at a time towards what become our hopes, our ambitions and our personal aspirations.'To be happy & to be wise.' We all hope to find our one true love; with few of us stopping to ask the questions.What is love?'Is there such a thing as love at first sight?'We open our eyes and we see what we see.How was a mature and happy woman to know how a thoughtful birthday gift would transport her back in time, catapulting her and her life into utter confusion and changing everything she thought she knew forever.

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