Conversations Left Unsaid

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As it turned out, Zuko wasn't very good at being on his best behavior. He didn't know how to give Katara her space without completely ignoring her. He realized that their friendship had never been just a friendship. He could barely stand to be in the same room with her without staring at her longingly. He couldn't smile, or joke, or even make citreous conversation without wanting to touch her shoulder or tease her just to cause a reaction, so he just stopped talking to her. It wasn't very mature of him, but if Zuko actually cared about her the way he said he did, Zuko knew that he had to let her go and figure out her feelings.

It wasn't easy, though.

While he understood why she wanted—needed—space, it hurt him. When they arrived back at breakfast, Zuko quickly took his seat next to Sokka and sipped his tea. He didn't make eye contact with anyone. He could feel their eyes fluttering between him and Katara. Aang was the one who spoke first.

"Uh... Is everything okay?" He pondered awkwardly. Zuko shut his eyes, somehow hoping that if he couldn't see them, the whole situation would disappear.

"Yes, fine," Katara spoke. "I'm just overtired, I think. You guys know that I value this time away from our responsibilities, and all the Fire Lord talk just pushed me over the edge. I'm sorry for exploding." Zuko admired Katara's ability to take responsibility for her actions, even if they were justified. The group forgave her quickly. Zuko snuck just one glance at Katara at that breakfast, and he regretted it immediately. Although he couldn't hear Panuk, he could tell he was apologizing to Katara. Panuk placed a soft kiss on Katara's temple, and the rosy pink shade her cheeks turned was enough to make Zuko want to hide for the rest of the boat ride.

And he did try to.

He spent all of the first day in his office. He claimed that a messenger hawk had brought him news from the Fire Nation and that he had business to attend to if he wanted to enjoy the time on Ember Island. It wasn't a complete lie, he did have things to do, but he certainly could've breezed through it all in one afternoon. Instead, Zuko spent time sulking in his study.

Three days, Zuko reminded himself. It was only for three days.

By day two, Zuko was terribly bored with locking himself away. He saw his friends at meals, but it wasn't really enough. He was already lonely in the Fire Nation, he didn't need to feel alone with his friends a few doors down from him. He swallowed his pride and made his way to the deck, where he found Aang, Toph, and Sokka playing with a hacky sack. The sound of their laughter made his worries begin to melt. Suki sat with Panuk at a table Zuko's staff had set up. Katara was missing, but there was a chair for her next to Panuk. When his friends saw him appear from the stairwell, a chorus of overjoyed "Zuko's" rang out. He smiled shyly, already feeling guilty about being distant.

"You down to play, Sparky? Or are you too busy?" Toph's wicked smile was challenging Zuko to play, not degrading him for his "responsibilities." He loved that his friends never let Zuko's title get in the way of their fun.

"I suppose I can spare a few minutes, so long as you're willing to make things a little interesting." Suko created a flame in his hands. Sokka, Aang, and Toph's smiles grew as they understood what he was inferring.

"Alright! Flaming hot hacky sack! Or should we call it, flaming sack?" Sokka asked.

Suki snorted, "Please don't call it that."

Zuko lit the bean sack on fire and kicked it lightly in the air towards Aang. Laughter flowed between the four as they tossed around the flaming ball. It felt good to be with his friends. His dimly lit office encased him in his thoughts. He wallowed in his feelings there until they drowned him in insecurity. Out here, he could breathe.

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