Hell Hath No Fury

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Everyone had gone to bed already, but Katara wasn't tired, not by a long shot. She was mentally exhausted, and she had barely slept. However, the anxiety she felt after her fight with Zuko kept her jittering at all hours. She wondered where he had been during dinner. Ming Lee said he would be "enjoying dinner in his office as he attends to an important Fire Lord responsibility," but Katara didn't believe that. Zuko always made time for meals with friends. She wondered if he was still avoiding her. It would make sense.

Panuk had been so kind to her at dinner. He wasn't pushy, or rude, or overly affectionate. He was just... Panuk. Not Prince Panku , but her Panuk . The one she had known as a kid. Part of Katara knew it was because Zuko wasn't there, so Panuk wasn't putting on a show. If I go along with the charade, is this what our life would be like? It didn't sound all that terrible. It lacked passion, sure, but it was safe, and it was what her people wanted.

Hours ago, she had decided to reject Panuk, but that was when she thought he was leaving in the morning; when she believed she could reject him by messenger hawk. Now, with an undetermined amount of days with him, she wasn't sure she'd be able to say no to his face. She wasn't even sure she wanted to. If he acted the way he did tonight, it wouldn't be such a horrible thing to be with him. Comfort over risk, right?

Ugh, why am I going back on my decision?

Katara sighed as she stared up at the glittering summer stars. They twinkled and danced across the navy night sky and brought Katara a sense of belonging in the universe. They were always her happy place. When she was sad as a kid, her mother would bring her out onto the ice flats and point out constellations. She'd make up stories about the stars which always centered around Katara as a hero. Now, on nights like this one, where her mind was clouded with anger and uncertainty, she found the stars whispered answers to the questions she wasn't even sure had answers.

She was unbelievably angry with her brother for extending Panuk's invite. It angered her more that there was no way for her to address it. Sokka technically didn't do anything wrong. She wished Zuko would show up to talk to her. She knew he was hurting too. She wanted him to wrap his arm around her shoulder and start teasing her about how his sister may be an egomaniac in jail, but she had the worse sibling. They'd both laugh, knowing Zuko loved Sokka like a brother, and then maybe if she was feeling brave, she'd lean her head on his shoulder, and he'd press a kiss to the crown of her head. It would be so innocent and so intimate. The thought alone was enough to prepare herself for a wet dream.

Choosing him should be easy. Why can't it be him?

"You'll get sick if you're out here all night with no one to keep you warm," Panuk said from behind her, startling her and causing her to yelp. "You're cute when you're frightened," Panuk said. Katara didn't like the way his voice changed when he said that.

"Hi," She whispered. Panuk joined her against the railing.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

"Just enjoying the night air. The sea breeze and the moon always calm me down."

"Yeah, me too," Panuk said, staring sadly at the moon. Katara wondered if he thought of Yue when he looked at the moon like she did, or if they even knew each other. "What are you thinking about?" Panuk inquired. He stroked Katara's forearm in a way that made Katara's skin tingle.

"My mom, mostly," Katara answered, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, a tell-tale sign she was lying if you knew what to look for. "and home."

"You're so beautiful, Katara." Panuk ran a hand through Katara's hair, and she blushed involuntarily. What a weird point in the conversation to start hitting on her.

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