Moonlit Conversations in the Early Afternoon

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Katara stepped out of the Tribal Court, dazed and confused. Had that just happened?  Her fingers were numb, and the mounds of her palms ached from the marks she'd dug into her skin that had drawn blood. Katara slipped mittens over her hands as she exited the court. She'd heal herself later. The only thing on her mind was finding Zuko.

"Well?" A familiar low and raspy voice called from the waiting room. Zuko. Katara looked up to see her friends nervously waiting for her. They all stood cautiously. She'd be lying if she said she seriously noticed anyone in the room beside Zuko. His winter robes, probably the only robes which equipped him for even the summer cold up north, adorned his body in a militant and honorable fashion that made Katara want to do nothing more than to rip them off.

She rushed towards him and engulfed herself in his arms, feeling his erratic heartbeat rattle against her chest. Although she thought it was impossible, she pulled him closer to her, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. As if an impulse, his arms found their way around her waist, and he spun her around. Her toes skidded against the icy floor until she lifted them back towards her butt in glee.

"What happened?" Zuko asked nervously. She kissed him vehemently, letting her tongue dart between his lips, feeling the warm sensation of his mouth transfer heat into her heart, stomach, and loins. She needed to tell him what the council expected of them, but she became too caught up in the sensation his arms brought. "Katara, I'm getting nervous... what happened?

"They're okay with us," Katara breathed out against the metal shoulder piece of Zuko's formal robes, which frosted her cheek.


"Actually, they encouraged it. Arnook said our relationship would bring an era of peace and collaboration between our two nations," Katara said with an eye roll, which Zuko returned. Her fingers tangled into the long strands of his hair to let her fingers comb through it.

"So, they want to politicize us?" Zuko asked.

"Of course they do, but I don't even care right now," Katara sighed, snuggling into Zuko.

"I told you it'd work out," Zuko placed a chaste kiss to Katara's lips.

"I told you that."

"Don't ruin the moment," Zuko whispered, pulling Katara in for another hug.

"Just another day I'm glad I'm blind, so I don't have to see the mush," Toph commented. Katara quickly realized it wasn't just her and Zuko in the room and had to actively will her hormones to calm down.

"Shut up, Toph," Katara said, sticking her tongue out, even though she knew Toph couldn't see it, or maybe because of it. She realized Aang and Suki were smiling wildly at them, but something was off. She mentally counted the number of people in the room.

"Where's Sokka?" Katara asked, realizing her brother's absence with a frown. Suki's head ducked, and she began picking at her arms nervously.

Zuko whispered in her ear, "He ran off yesterday after his meeting. Said he had something to do. We haven't seen him since."

Idiot, Katara thought, knowing, immediately, that Sokka was hiding in the spirit oasis. She stared at Suki's broken face and grimaced. Idiot, Katara thought again. Katara turned her attention back to Zuko. She pressed a small, but firm kiss onto Zuko's lips, letting him know she was still there before she slipped out of his arms to place two comforting hands-on Suki's shoulders.

"I'll get him, Suki. I know exactly where he is," Katara said. Suki nodded, unable to meet Katara's eyes. Suki's shoulders shook as she silently cried. Katara hugged Suki firmly, willing her to believe her. "Aang, take care of her," Katara whispered to the bald boy, who really wasn't a boy anymore. Aang nodded with a knowing smile, and Katara felt grateful for her friends.

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