Chapter 15

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Alaere's POV:

I see Irá lunging towards me so I give her a taste of my Lycan claws slicing deep into her back she arches forward trying to remove herself from my grasp as her hat tumbles to the ground her hair whips me in the face so I grab hold of it yanking her head sideways. She twists and turns taking hold of my wrist before landing a hard blow to my shoulder making my hold release.

Before I can step away Irá springs forward digging her own claws deep into my side, gripping my ribs as I scream out in pain. I can feel her anchoring her entire body's weight on me pulling me forward as her boots land on my thighs, she's literally climbing me so I flail for a moment before punching my fist through her bottom ribs gripping her in return as I hear her own scream before she locks her vision with mine our eyes flash in recognition.

A shock goes down my spine as I stand there stunned into a frozen silence. Before I can react She's leaned forward and latched onto the crook of my neck biting deep into my flesh as my blood seeps out of her mouth down my chest. I can't help the growl that rolls into a moan as she unhinges her hands from my body instead opting to warp her arms around my waist while I'm consumed by a wave of heat and pleasure shooting down every nerve in my being.

Shaking my head I realize she's pulling me away from the battle deep into the darkness of the forest. Trying to pry her arms from me I kick out aimlessly "Let Me GO!!" "Release me!!" I scream at her only to feel her grip on me tighten as she tosses me over her shoulder "SILENCE!" She growls back at me. Instinctively I quiet down trying to get my bearings as to where we're going. I smell Catori's scent and Easton's as well.. but I know they're safe under ground so I focus with my night vision and see we're a few paces from Catori's nesting cave.

Irá stands at the entrance scanning our surroundings before ducking down with me as she makes her way to the back of the cave gently placing me on the large nest. It's big and sturdy enough to have fit both Catori and her mate so I draw my legs against my chest scooting my back against the cave wall, my fingers digging into the soft animal pelts that line the inside of the nest over the grasses and moss that sit onto of the base of wood and branches.

Finally able to focus I realize I still have my Manriki-Gusari clipped on but I don't sense any hostility coming from Irá as she paces slowly at the entrance of the cave as if lost in her own world. The moment I try to crawl out of the nest she stops moving and zeros her gaze on me. I freeze on the spot as she makes her way to me silently kneeling before me with her head bowed down. "My apologies for inflicting pain on you Alaere, I would never have struck even a single hair on your precious head had I known who you are my beloved."

I gasp as her voice chimes through the air, she sounds not of this world. "Irá I'm... I'm flattered and a little overwhelmed. You know I'm a Lycan? My people have very few of us left on earth and I never imagined having a Mate appear especially some one of my own sex, I've Never been drawn to other women, while I feel a pull towards you in face a very strong one after you marked me without my consent" I growled at her. 

"I still cannot foresee a future at your side, I am not inclined to be in a relationship with a fellow female." Putting my hand up "Look I don't look down on others who do prefer to live their lives with whatever kind of partners they feel right with being same sex or multiples or whatever, it's just not for me. So I Alaere.."

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