A big fight

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Ivan sighs and walks into his house in a annoyed mood 1. Alfred punched him in the nose and 2. Alfred was about to call him fat and 3. ALFRED JUST WON'T SHUT UP i mean the boy was talking so much ivan's ear was about to fall off ivan knew he needed to get this boy to shut up fast " Alfred!!" He yells out in a annoyed voice

Alfred didn't know he was talking the poor russian man to death this is just how Alfred is around people he is comfortable with when Alfred heard ivan yell his name he shuts up and looks at the other confused for a second but smiled " yes ivan " he asked

Ivan turns to Alfred and grabs his hand gently" time to cook i need you to shut that beautiful mouth of you're up and focus " he smiled childishly and walks off to the kitchen pulling Alfred along ivan puts the deer's on the counter and pulls out a knife " Alfred you starts making the soup all you have to do is cut up some potatoes and carrots and put them in the pot easy

Alfred didn't know if he should feel upset and happy someone talked to him like that Alfred shakes his head and followed since ivan was holding his hand Alfred could feel how cold the other was " you are so cold ivan why not warm up your hands " he says softly and nods to the part of what he had to do for the cooking Alfred tries to cut the potatoes up but he never cooked a day in his life his father did the cooking

Ivan pulls his hand away from Alfred fast " don't worry about me kid " he growled and didn't like people worrying for him ivan knew when he needed to warm himself up but something in him liked Alfred telling him to it made him feel happy somewhat ivan shakes his head fast and starts to work on the deer for 20 minutes he looked at what Alfred was doing and sees that the boy didn't even do anything but destroy the poor potato's he didn't even get to the carrots yet ivan sighs and couldn't believe this kid " your doing it wrong " he walks over to Alfred and goes behind him gently putting his hands on Alfred's hands and leaning against him " hold the knife properly Alfred" he says softly

Alfred thought he was doing this right so when ivan came up behind him and was holding his hands starting to help him Alfred heart started to race so fast his face turing a light shade of red " oh ok sorry " Alfred slowly holds the knife right and starts to cut the potatoes slowly with the help of ivan " like this " he asked and leans forward a little

Ivan watched Alfred and nods " good like that make sure your fingers are not to clo- Alfred are you ok your face is a little red " he looks at Alfred and lift his hand to Alfred face gently turing it

Alfred was having a heart attack how could someone handle being so close to another person Alfred blush goes to 10 real fast when ivan made him look at him " IM FINE " he turns his face away fast " what were you going to say again about making sure my fingers were what " he asked trying to calm his heart

Ivan was shocked how red Alfred was getting but he liked it ivan felt something inside him saying to tease the american ivan slowly nuzzled Alfred and whisper in his ear " make sure your fingers are not to close to the knife so you don't cut yourself" ivan wasn't thinking and nibbled Alfred ear softly before stopping and pulling away fast what did he just do ivan shakes his head fast and blushes so much " IM SO SORRY i didn't mean to " he felt his heart beating so fast and something inside him loves what he did but another part of him didn't like the new feelings that were happing ivan growled and hits his chest hard making his heart calm down ivan turned back to his normal self and walks back to the deer making it " can you go please

Alfred gasped and shivers slowly when ivan whispered in his ear but the nibble after made Alfred melt a little when ivan pulled away Alfred was upset but happy too since he didn't understand what was happing Alfred goes back to his cutting but when ivan said the next part he stops and looks at him " why

Ivan sighs " because it is getting late and your father will be worried now head off home

Alfred shakes his head " No i don't care i want to stay here and help you cook

Ivan crossed his arms " no Alfred you may come tomorrow thow if that makes you happy  "

Alfred slams the knife down " if you don't want me here just say it !

Ivan's eyes widened and he gulped a little" i don't wan- " he couldn't say it all ivan did want Alfred here he just needed to calm himself down " i do want you here i'm sorry Alfred that i am being rude how about tomorrow we um go into town and have fun hmm

Alfred was still mad at ivan and sighs " fine but stop kicking me out your house this is the second time " Alfred walks to the door and opens it looking at ivan

Ivan sighs and nods " i will try not to do that then " he looks at Alfred and turns away " i'll see you tomorrow then be safe on your way back

Alfred rolled his eyes and walks out " whatever old man " he closed the door and walks off disappearing into the Russian winter

Ivan walks to the window and watches Alfred disappear into that unforgiving cold ivan sighs and sits on the floor holding his chest he hated this feeling in his heart he hates it he didn't know his heart could still work he thought it went numb all thoes years ago i guess he was wrong ivan sighs and gives up on cooking and just grabs a carrot and vodka and walks to his room laying down and having that stuff for dinner once ivan was done he felt much calmer but he also felt excited that he would be going into town with Alfred ivan smiled a little and stops that fast " what has gotten into me " he says and closed his eyes forcing himself to sleep


Alfred had walked in the snow for a good hour before getting home he walks in to see a very angry father " oh hey father " he smiled nervously

Dimitri was tapping his foot on the floor and glaring at Alfred" young man were did you go" he said in a low growl

Alfred gulped and shrinks back a little" i was out

Dimitri walked over to Alfred slowly" i know you were out but were " he says and gets right in front of Alfred now looking down at his son

Alfred looked up at his father " i was just out!!"

Dimitri slaps Alfred hard across the face and grabs his arm " you were to stay here near the house cleaning up the snow but you run off to god knows were! Let me guess you were with that man again

Alfred shakes his head fast and felt his cheek stinging so much it was all red now Alfred holds back his tears " i didn't i just wanted to explore father that is all!

Dimitri glared and didn't believe Alfred Dimitri drags Alfred to his room and throws Alfred in it " YOU YOUNG MAN ARE PUNISHED untile you learn how to respect me and my rules you are going to stay in there disgusting brat!! Running around with a man i can't believe your my son " he slams the door shut and walk to the living room blowing off steam

Alfred was just shocked what his father said Alfred felt tears go down his face and gasped he gets up slowly and lays in bed curling up and hated his father right now but this wouldn't stop Alfred from seeing ivan at all but right now Alfred was to sad Alfred just hugs his stuffed animal bunny his mother gave it to him before she died Alfred always felt safe when he was hugging his bunny Alfred slowly falls asleep holding onto that bunny for dear life

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