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Taehyung's pov

When Soekjin was walking away I heard what he was thinking. I saw how what I was doing was affecting Namjoon and I didn't want to see him sad or upset. I looked at Yoongi while he was still looking at Jin. He was very angry and it showed, he was very disappointed and mad about the situation. He always had his feelings under control and rarely let his feelings control him but now I could see what he was feeling, he could always see what I was feeling or trying to say without even trying.

"Taehyung" yoongi said as he put a hand in my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and shook his head "I'm going to find Namjoon then me and him are gonna go home and get our stuff ready to go back to the pack for the weekend and you're going to find jungkook and make him forgive you and do everything in your power to make friend with him do you understand?" I nodded my head while looking down I know I messed up yoongi could probably tell so that's why he started talking again with a sigh "I know you feel bad and sorry but you just basically took Namjoons mate away from him, I know Namjoon isn't mad at you neither am I but you're gonna go and apologize to Soekjin, jungkook, and Namjoon I'll see you at home when school ends and make sure Kayla knows to meet us at our house" he gave me and hug and left to find Namjoon I presume.

Jimins pov

I heard Jin and I quickly put my blocker down to see what was up with him and he replied with 'I broke up with Namjoon a and told Taehyung off I guess I must have lost control and accidentally put my blocker down my bad' Jin thought I could tell he wasn't happy and feeling wasn't too good 'we can talk about this later at lunch maybe' Jin told me and hobi and we both said yes and went back to doing what we were doing.

I was sitting in my chair looking a few rows down at the girl who gave me the answers to a question yesterday, well gave them to me inadvertently but I was still going to ask her what her name is.

My thoughts were disturberd when I saw Taehyung come into the class when there were only 15 minutes left, the teacher didn't say anything and he sat down next to the girl and she put a hand on his shoulder and he shook his head and put his head down.

'Are they dating?' I thought but chucked at the idea of what Jungkook would do to someone who is dating Taehyung. Yeah he is apparently a playboy guy never has he dated someone as long as I've known about him.

Taehyung's pov

When I got into class Kayla put her hand on my shoulder and asked me what was wrong. I just shook my head and she told me it was gonna be ok I put my head down. Kayla was really pretty, a brown skin wolf who had dark black hair like Yoongi's. Kayla had long legs, pretty gray eyes, puffy hair, and is really pretty but I see her as a sister.

I started to feel tired and told Kayla to wake me up when the bell rang and when she nodded her head I put me head down and went to sleep

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I started to feel tired and told Kayla to wake me up when the bell rang and when she nodded her head I put me head down and went to sleep.


"Taehyung" someone was tapping me while saying my name "TAE" I heard Kayla yell in my ear and I jolted up and looked at her, she smiled and told me "the bell rang I'm going to my next class see you at your house once I get my stuff from my cousins house then we can go to the pack ok?" I nodded my head and told her bye and to be safe she chucked and when trying to walk out I saw park jimin try to talk to her she stopped and let him speak. I saw her laugh at what he was saying and went up to them.

"What are you doing?" I growled at jimin not being able to control my anger. "Taehyung stop embarrassing me and leave me alone I'm trying to make friends" Kayla rolled her eyes at me and I looked at Jimin up and down and realized he wasn't a threat "you don't stand a chance" I told him as I laughed while walking away but Kayla stayed back talking to jimin as I went on to my next class where I have jungkook in and I could finally say sorry and if i couldn't say it right now I have him in almost the rest of my classes.

I walked into the classroom and didn't  see jungkook reading and not paying attention to his surroundings as usual but instead I saw an empty seat and the classroom seems a little more cold and grey today than usual.

I went to me seat and males and females started coming over to me trying to talk and start a conversation I flirted with a few of the girls and one of the males touched me and I had to show him why you don't touch me and he quickly got the message the bell rang and the teacher came in and I was thinking about how there was only 2 more classes until lunch I could apologize but I needed a way to apologize to jungkook before the weekend so I started to think and think and think until I fell asleep again.


I woke up right when the bell rung and went to the hallway and immediately girls were trying to walk and talk with me, and some males tried to, I guess, be friends with me since they didn't see me with Namjoon and yoongi as always but I let it slide and then it hit me!

The perfect plan to see Jungkook before the weekend.

I was so happy that I started to flirt back with the girls instead of ignoring them and actually talk to the boys and act like I cared about them i entered my class and sat down people surround me "Taehyung oppa you look so handsome today" the girl with the mini skirt and tight shirt that made her breast look bigger she was ok in the face though. "Thank you jacey" she leaned over and whispered in my ear "maybe I could give you a little fun today I'm really good with my mouth" she whispered and I chuckled.

"Not today but another day for sure" she nodded and the teacher came in and everyone went to their seats as all the seats filled up. I couldn't help but look at the empty one that belonged to Jungkook. I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

Ok this chapter was a whole lotta nothing
(1179 words)

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