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Taehyungs pov:

"Jungkook... I really don't know what to say...I..."

I sighed. I was really stuck. I haven't even thought of what to say all this time. Looking at him I didn't know what I wanted or maybe even needed. All I knew was I took Namjoons mate and this was the way to get him back.

"Why are you even talking to me right now, what's your goal, why the sudden change in attitude?" Jungkook saying that made me look at him confused.

"What- what do you mean...exactly?" He sighed "you've bullied me for days and before that never once glanced at me and now you wanna talk, is this because Jin hyung broke up with Namjoon because if so I can tell him to get back with him."

I chucked, slightly shocked at what he figured out "wow I um" I sighed again and looked down while rubbing my eyes then looked back up getting somewhat annoyed.

"Ok so yes I did ask you to be here because, well your brother broke up with joon and now apparently it's my fault that you couldn't take a few beatings, look I'm sorry that you felt the need to get others involved but you're gonna tell Jin that I apologize and you accepted it and then he's gonna get back with Namjoon and if he does then I will leave you alone but if not, well you already saw what I could do so what is it gonna be?"

Jungkook pov:

I looked down as I felt tears in my eyes. I tried to blink them away but one slipped out and I quickly wiped it away and took a breath then spoke. "ok...ok if I tell Jin you apologize and I accepted then you'll leave me alone?" "That's what I said" he spoke harshly and I flinched a little 'Is this what I wanted for him to leave me alone?'

'But this is for Jin hyung he's been there for me he's my blood he deserves to be with someone who makes him happy and I'm stopping it' I thought sighing I nodded my head while it was already down knowing Taehyung was looking at me. "Is that a yes doll?" He asked in a teasing tone. "Yes"

"Perfect then let's go tell Jin we made up and fix your face, you look pathetic" I nodded my head and got up while still looking down, crossing the street, putting on a smile when seeing Jin.

Namjoons pov:

The one thing I hoped I wouldn't hear him ask...he asked it. "Why did you call me mate?" Jin asked confused "I um- what" "don't play with me Namjoon why were you talking about a mate?" He said angrily. "I don't remember saying that" I chucked slightly while scratching the back of my head.

"Look if you're gonna lie and act dumb like you don't know anything then you will never see me again." I could see the pain in his eyes but hear it more in his tone, I knew he didn't not want to be with me but was just doing it for his brother but that was before, I can't say the same now he seems really angry but sad as well.

"Look Baby I want to tell you and I want you to live that life with me but I'm just scared" I spoke softly looking him in the eye then looking down again. "Scared of what, Namjoon I'm here for you tell me" He said while pulling my chin up softly so I was looking at him.

"You promosie you will hear me out and you won't get scared because I won't hurt you" I rushed nervously he chucked and let me chin go "I won't get scared not much scares me jonnie"

"I'm a ...I'm a ... werewolf" I didn't look at jins face but I felt him looking at me.

"Wow I've been blind this whole time" he chuckled "what do you mean?" "I've denied or ignored certain things about you in order to make myself believe you were normal like your hair" "wait how do you even know that there was something you were supposed to be looking for in a mother species?" I was really confused but don't think he was a wolf I would've noticed.

"Me, my brothers and Jimin are vampires. We live in the woods on the other side of town" "Wait, Jimin isn't your brother?" "No he's a friend. We found him as kids and he has stayed with us ever since." "what woods are you talking about?" "The on the end of town why?" "We live there too you could come and visit my pack this weekend!" I said excited Jin could finally see the real me and my home.

Smiling he asked "your pack? Who's head alpha I don't think he would like us coming there" "oh i'm head alpha so you can come but we need to be leaving soon." "Namjoon I'm happy that i found out about this and I don't have to hide myself either but I have some questions to ask if you don't mind." "Sure"

"Am I your mate and if so how do you know?" Blushing I said "well umm when we kissed I could tell it's normally a kiss that tell if it's your mate or not and you are my mate."

"Ok but this might sound mean but if Taehyung has more power than you, he's a mixed hair then why are you head alpha and not him?" "Well see I'm smarter than him and have worked very hard to be near as strong as him in terms of strength he could over power me but straight isn't all a pack needs I provide intelligence quick think and strength I am fully capable of running a pack."

"If I'm your mate then how will you have pups?" "I uh I don't know actually we could research it once he get to my pack."

"What's your packs name?" "Blood moon."

"You have to come to my house to get hobi and jimin and then we can go to yours and head for your pack! I'm so excited wolves normally don't like us." Jin said while smiling I could tell he was happy so I just nodded and hugged him he hugged back and then I pecked him in the lips.

"Ok baby if that's what you want then we can do that anything for you" I said while putting my chin in his head and sighing smelling his scent.

"Let me take all this information I'm again" he said while moving so I could see him fully "you're a werewolf along with Taehyung and yoongi, you are head alpha of your pack blood moon and I'm your mate." "Exactly see you're so smart my smart boy" he blushed as I chucked hugging him again then we saw jungkook and Taehyung walk up to us.

1169 words

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