Home pt.3 (Taegi)

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Alright, let's do the last part of this. In case you haven't, you need to read the other parts before this.


Yoongi would like to say that nothing changed after he told Taehyung about his past, but that would be lying. 

There was no big obvious change, but there were a few subtle ones.

Taehyung was  generally just more careful around Yoongi now, and he didn't like it. 

Don't misunderstand, Yoongi still wanted Taehyung to be careful around him, because if he wasn't there would be a big risk of him accidentally hurting, or maybe even killing Yoongi.

But the difference was that before, the two of them had a thing about pretend-fighting each other, and teasing each other. It had been a natural thing for them, to take every chance they got to call the other out if they ever did something wrong. Their "fights" consisted of Yoongi using all the power in his body trying to push at Taehyung, while Taehyung used as little force as he could manage as to not hurt Yoongi. 

It was something they had both enjoyed, since both of them knew that it was never serious. 

But after Yoongi told his story, Taehyung had abruptly stopped.

Whenever Yoongi teased him about something now, Taehyung would simply laugh at him, and then continue as if nothing happened. If Yoongi ever pushed at him now, he would just move out of the way.

Yoongi never thought the day would come when he missed "fighting" with Taehyung, but now here he was.

He knew about the reason for the change, and it was understandable.

After hearing about everything that Yoongi had been through in the past, Taehyung had probably felt bad about the way he usually treated Yoongi, even if it was never nearly as bad, and they both knew that it was a joke.

At first, Yoongi thought that it would eventually just go back to normal. But that didn't happen, and  after a couple weeks he had enough. 

He brought it up one day when they were sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Yoongi had tried sending some sort of snarky remark at Taehyung, and as expected he only got a laugh in response.

"Would you stop that?"

He finally burst out, and looked up to meet Taehyung's eyes.

Had someone told him years ago that he  would end up in this position, yelling up at a human towering above him, he would have thought they were crazy.

Taehyung met his eyes with a look of confusion,

"Stop what?"

"You know what"

"I really don't"

The two engaged in a small staring contest, as Yoongi tried to determine whether Taehyung was lying or not. He eventually gave up, and explained himself,

"Ever since I told you about... you know what, you've been acting weird. You know, you're just too.. how should I even say this? You're being too...  too nice"

Yoongi looked down after he said that, as he waited for Taehyung to process what he said. He did not have to wait long.

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

Yoongi looked back up, to see Taehyung looking down at him with eyes still full of confusion.

"I'm saying, that just because some people have treated me bad in the past, doesn't mean I want you to treat me like I'm made of glass..."

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