Home (taegi)

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Starting off with my personal favorite pairing, Taegi.

This is a lot of Taegi fluff, but mention of past abuse, so be careful if you're sensitive to that.

Also a tiny bit of swearing, but not really, just Yoongi being Yoongi honestly.

Starring: giant cuddly Taehyung with tiny "grumpy" but actually soft Yoongi.


They had been living together for about 2 years now, and Yoongi still wondered how he had survived for so long. Living with Taehyung was not necessarily terrible, it was actually quite nice at times, though he would never dream of telling Taehyung that.

Taehyung was very.. should he say "energetic"? He always meant well, but sometimes he became to much for Yoongi to handle. 

But then at other times, when he calmed down a bit, he would show his big heart and remind Yoongi of why he had chosen to live with Taehyung. 

He still asked himself sometimes, why he had stayed.

Why didn't he leave when he had the chance?

Well, let's start at the beginning. 


Yoongi was living on the streets, all on his own. Just trying to survive, like every other tiny he had met. 

He knew of a few lucky people who had ended up with good families, and were living happy lives, but they were nothing but legends to him. 

Yoongi had been living with humans for most of his life, but it was against his will. 

Not that it mattered, tinies were nothing but pets to humans after all.

Supposedly, there was a time before Yoongi was alive, when humans were not aware of the tiny species living hidden from them. But that time did not matter to him. You see, simply because one idiot had screwed up centuries ago, and had been seen, their entire species had to suffer for the rest of eternity.

Sure, that's fair. 

So basically, Yoongi grew up raised by humans who saw him as an animal, to them his only purpose was to be sold to some other human, who could then abuse him for the rest of his miserable existence. 

And sure enough, at the age of 18 he was immediately shipped of to a pet store, where he was soon bought by a human girl. 

She had been fine at first.

She was around his age, and she was pretty and nice. At least that's what he thought.

Eventually, she had started hanging out with a human guy. Apparently she was still lonely, even though she always kept Yoongi close.

Of course you will feel lonely if you refuse to think of the person you're with as a person. 

Yoongi was not stupid, he was actually a bit of a genius if you asked him, thank you very much!

So he understood that the guy that started hanging around more and more, and that got closer and closer to the girl was her boyfriend. He didn't care, why should he? He was just a pet to her anyway, so she was just a random human to him. 

But even so, her boyfriend got jealous. 

For some stupid reason that Yoongi still could not understand, the guy was sure that Yoongi was getting in the way of the couple. 

Now despite what you might be thinking, he didn't immediately go to Yoongi to "get rid of the problem". He knew that his girlfriend still cared for her pet, and he valued their relationship. And yeah, he was a good guy, and their relationship worked out. Good for them, but Yoongi did not care.

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