Home pt.2 (Taegi)

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Follow-up to Home, you should read that first.

I fell in love with my other Taegi story while writing it, and I just knew I had to make another one about the same characters. Make sure you read Home first, or you won't really understand this one.


Yoongi really wanted to think that everything had kept going like normal after his moment of clarity. He had realized suddenly, as he and Taehyung were going to sleep that he was head over heals in love with the human. And he did not know what to do.

On one hand it was nice. He had figured out the source of the warm, tingly feeling he felt every time Taehyung touched him. At first Yoongi had been sure that it was nervousness. It probably was, back before they had gotten as close as they were now.

But now it was clear that the feeling was indeed love. Yoongi wondered for how long he had been mistaking the feeling for something else.

It was a pleasant feeling, and Yoongi had started being more aware of all the little details about Taehyung. He had suddenly realized how much he actually appreciated the way Taehyung would carry him around and take care of him, because he did it without Yoongi asking for it.

Yoongi had always had someone to take care of him. At first it was the breeders who raised him, then there were various employees at the pet store he was kept at. Then there was the girl who was his previous owner. If you could count that as care.

She had kept him alive, barely.

Yoongi didn't like to think about it.

That had all been fake. No one ever truly cared, he had just been a pet. Back then, no one ever waited for him to speak, or set up ladders for him to be able to walk around on his own. No one would ever hold him when he was scared and tell him he was safe. If Yoongi had taken a second too long to speak back then he would be punished. He still had some red marks on his back that refused to go away, always there to remind him of the beatings he had gotten for disrespecting whatever human was his master at the time. Yoongi had been used to being roughly picked up and carried around like he wasn't even a living being. He was never told he was safe because he never was. It didn't matter to any of them. He really was just a pet.

But then Taehyung came around. Taehyung had done all the things Yoongi hadn't realized how much he was missing before.

Yoongi had spent so much time trying to convince himself that he still hated Taehyung, that he hadn't realized how attached he had gotten. He was not supposed to fall in love with anyone, much less a human.

Yoongi also knew that no matter what he himself felt, it didn't matter. Even now that he knows that Taehyung really does care about him, it doesn't matter. Because Taehyung is a human, and Yoongi is a tiny.

The entire world would agree that Yoongi having feelings for Taehyung was wrong.

Or at least, that's what Yoongi thought.


Taehyung had realized after more than a year of knowing Yoongi that he cared a little too much about him. He realized how sometimes he would be just a little too touchy with him, carry him around and hold him when it definitely wasn't necessary. He had spoiled him too. When Taehyung realized soon after their first meeting that Yoongi wasn't going to be talking any time soon, he had just ended up buying everything he could for him instead of trying to get Yoongi to tell him what he wanted.

Taehyung knew that the way he was treating Yoongi would be frowned upon by other people. So called "experts" would say things like "If you let your pet get away with things like that, it's just going to keep disobeying". They would have told him that tinies have to learn to listen to humans, because they were inferior, and didn't know any better.

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