Friends (Jikook)

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I'm so sorry that this took so long, I have already explained what happened, you can check my profile if you're interested 💜

This story is sort of a prequel to my other story "Home". When I published the last chapter of "Home" I mentioned that I was thinking about writing a story about Jikook from that AU, and how they got together. This is it, this is their backstory! I'm very excited to share this with you.

If anyone is reading this, but hasn't read "Home", you don't really have to, since this is a prequel. There are no major spoilers for the other story, and you'll be able to understand this story just fine. But you will probably enjoy it more if you read the other story first, or if you read it after reading this.

Also, "Home" is like really good... I keep coming back to it and going like: "Damn, I wrote this?" I'm impressed by my own writing, lol.

As for this story, please trust me when I say that Jimin changes a lot. Everything that he thinks in the beginning of the story is because of things he has been told. He's only like 9 years old, he doesn't know any better. But he will, I promise. At the end of the story, he's like 16-17.

Warning: there is a bit of violence in the beginning of the story. It's nothing too serious, but if you're not sure you can handle it skip to the first break. It won't make a big difference <3

Now please enjoy this story 💜


Jungkook was scared. He was not only scared, he was downright terrified. It had been a few hours, or maybe days, he wasn't sure anymore, since he had last seen any form of light. He had been confined to a small, dark space, and though his eyes had adjusted to the darkness a long time ago, he was unable to see anything other than the walls of the space he was in.

Though it was a small space, it wasn't much smaller than the room Jungkook had been kept in for most of his life. Even so, the darkness, and lack of anything other than walls made him feel sick. It was as if the walls were slowly closing in on him, to press him together until he inevitably suffocated.

It certainly didn't help that he had not been given any food since he was put into the space. The huge, rough hands of the human who had put him in here with a painful grip earlier had not bothered to give him anything to help stay alive and sane. He had tried sleeping to pass the time, but his terrified mind refused to calm down. He had simply been staring into the darkness, praying that this torture would come to an end soon.

The one thing that told him he hadn't been completely forgotten was the constant movement of his small space, along with the thunderous voices that rumbled around him, shaking him to his very core.

And the worst part of all of this, was that Jungkook had no idea why any of it was happening. He had simply been forced into this space, with no explanation given. Had he known a bit more, he could have maybe drawn a conclusion on his own as to what was happening, but Jungkook was just a child. A small child, far from ready to face the world on his own, but who had never known anyone other than the monstrous humans that had cared for him so far.

He had barely ever met anyone his own size. He used to be able to see them all the time. Other people like him, trapped in small spaces, with one see-through wall that humans used to look at them. Every day, a human in a long, white coat came by and looked at each of them in turn, scribbled something down on a paper, then moved on to the next one. After looking at all of them the human would pick one of them, and pluck them out of their small space into the much bigger room for some tests.

Jungkook had been chosen for these tests many times, and he hated all of it. He would be forced to sit completely still, while the human poked and prodded at him with various tools. Some of the tools hurt so bad Jungkook wanted to cry, but he had quickly learned that he was not allowed to. If he made even a single sound, or squirmed just a little bit, there would be punishments.

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