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Thank you to readercliche for requesting this. I hope it lived up to your expectations.

I'm really sorry that this chapter took such a long time for me to write, but I have a pretty valid excuse for why. I've been busy trying not to die, as I actually got the virus. I've been feeling terrible, and my brain was barely able to function for quite a while, so I went a long time without being able to write. I'm mostly recovered now though, and I did my best to finish this story as soon as possible.

Starring: Married couple Namjin, and the rest of Bangtan as their adopted children, they're all a mix of humans and tinies.

I hope you enjoy 💜


Namjoon and Jin had been married for years. They met each other back when they were in school, and after many years of being best friends, and being hopelessly in love with each other while also being tragically clueless to each other's feelings, they had finally started dating.

Their relationship had not been a surprise to anyone, as the only ones who had not been aware of the pair's feelings for each other were they themselves.

They got married a couple years later, and had been living together happily ever since.

The two of them were lucky enough to be living in a society where their relationship was considered normal.

You see, Namjoon and Jin were a mixed couple.

What that meant, was that one of them were human, while the other was a tiny.

Jin stood at a pretty average (human) height, of 179 cm. (5'10)

His husband Namjoon however, was only about 5 cm (2 inches)

Despite the massive size difference, the two of them were deeply in love with each other, and had been happily married for years.

That was why, Namjoon thought it was a good idea to bring up adopting. He had always known that he wanted kids, and he knew at this point that it could not be with anyone other than Jin.

The first time Namjoon had mentioned adopting, Jin had a minor breakdown at the idea, not sure they were ready. But it only took a couple days full of encouraging words from Namjoon to get Jin to agree.

That was how they ended up at an adoption center, outside two big rooms where children were running around playing. Both rooms were big, but one was significantly bigger than the other, as it was made for human children, and the other one for tiny children. Despite that, both rooms were built for both humans and tinies to be able to come inside.

That came in handy for Namjoon and Jin, as they had easily agreed that they wanted kids of both sizes. That was because it would be nearly impossible for Namjoon to raise kids that much bigger than himself, and equally hard for Jin to care for kids that much smaller than himself. So they would go all out, and try to make a big family of mixed sizes.

They went into the room for tinies first.

They were immediately met with lots of tiny children running around all over the floor. Among the chaos, they spotted a few adults walking around, human and tiny alike. The human ones were visibly cautious of every step they took, which was understandable.

Deciding to split up, Namjoon went to the right while Jin went to the left.

Jin soon understood the struggle of the other human's walking around, as he found he had to watch very carefully where he stepped, or there could be a very unfortunate accident any moment. He realized with a frown, that the workers must not have properly thought about the size of the room when they put the children in.

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