Secret (Alternate version)

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I don't blame people for skipping these notes so I wanted to say that right at the start just in case lol. I really wanted to keep writing part 2 of this story but my thoughts drifted and this idea was born instead. Basically just a what-if story taking place before the events of the original one, that is not canon in any way :)

Finishing part 2 is still on my to-do list, I just don't have a lot of time. My usual stories take weeks of writing, brainstorming, re-writing, proofreading, etc etc, because I'm really nitpicky when it comes to my own writing. But I only spent around 1,5 hours on this one, I literally just wrote it and didn't even proofread it before I posted it, but I only posted it to my ao3 (oops) but now it's on wattpad :D It's only been out for 22 hours, no biggie :P

I hope those who are patiently waiting for part 2 enjoy this little treat, I swear I have not abandoned you <3

Enough from me, enjoy this AU!


Jimin was very done with everything at the moment. He very much felt like curling up in a ball in a dark corner somewhere, just cry to himself and pretend he didn't exist.

Oh wait

That's what he's doing right now.

Jimin hated his life.

Let's rewind a bit.

Jimin was on his way home from a meet-up with his dance crew. They didn't technically have to meet, since the crew was formed through their university and summer was lasting a few more weeks. But they were all good friends even outside school, and with the new term just around the corner they had agreed that it was as good a time as any to have a meet-up. To make sure they were prepared for the new term, and to welcome any of the new members they would gain with it.

The meet-up had gone just fine. They had been forced to meet in a place they hadn't before, as their usual spot was in the school and thus off-limits for now.

Jimin had found the place just fine, he had even met up with Hoseok before so they could go together. Getting home was where the problems had started.

Taking a wrong turn and ending up at the wrong station as a result wouldn't have been such an issue if Jimin hadn't realized in that moment that his phone was entirely dead. So with no way to contact anyone or look at a map to find his whereabouts, Jimin had walked into the station hoping for the best.

He had found the right line, but being unfamilliar with it hadn't realized that it was going in the wrong direction. By the time he realized he was travelling away from home and got off it was too late. He was in even more unfamilliar territory than before, and to make things worse he had ended up outside of the human-district he rarely left when he wasn't in school.

Having countless amounts of giants walking around so close to Jimin was disorienting to say the least. Had he been thinking straight in that moment he would have turned around and walked back into the station, and gotten on the same line but the right direction this time. Unfortunately, Jimin's fear of giants is no joke, and he wasn't quite able to focus anything but getting away from the closest giant.

The massive people were of course not walking anywhere they weren't supposed to, they all kept away from the human part of the street, but we've established that Jimin was not thinking straight.

He'd backed away from the closest pair of giant feet, but then there was another pair, and another, and before he knew it Jimin had made the biggest mistake of his life and stumbled into the giant part of the city. Where there was nothing human-sized for him to cling onto.

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