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Chapter Thirteen,
I Will Kill You

Chapter Thirteen, I Will Kill You

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CHLOE FOUND herself called upon her first scavenging trip outside of the community. She had ventured beyond the walls only twice after they had arrived – once with Aiden and Nicholas and once with Daryl and Aaron, both times staying relatively close to the community. She was slowly getting accustomed to this new way of life, and venturing out beyond the walls seemed to start carrying a weight, the walls as a reminder of the stark contrast between the past life they lived and the current apocalyptic reality.

"Oh, no, thank you," Eugene declined as Chloe offered him a pistol.

"Just take it," Nicholas insisted.

"Come on, you've got to protect yourself," Chloe urged him.

"Not if I don't go."

"We're not driving all that way just to return empty-handed," Aiden chimed in.

"It's a dozen of these. Chloe will find them for you. They are consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The supplies will be correct. I will install the necessary components, and the power grid will be fully operational again," Eugene explained.

"Okay, okay, just please take it, Eugene," Chloe insisted, and he finally accepted the pistol.

"Take care, Dad," Aiden bid farewell to Reg.

"I'm supposed to be saying that to you," Reg replied.

"Is that everything?" Glenn asked Maggie.

"Mm-hmm. You've got this. You always do," she reassured him before the two shared a kiss.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you lovebirds?" Chloe quipped, causing them to chuckle.

"The power grid was a prototype. I'm surprised it took this long to start acting up," Reg remarked to Glenn and Chloe.

"We'll get it going," Cody assured as he walked into the van.

"Daylight's burning. Let's go," Aiden called out as everyone climbed into the van.

"So, seriously, though, what's their story?" Tara asked Noah.

"Whose story?" Alli inquired.

"Noah and Holly."


Suddenly, loud music started playing, prompting Alli, John, and Chloe to break into spontaneous swaying.

"Great, another mix," Noah commented.

♪ Now you're going to die. ♪

"It helps draw them away," Glenn explained, leading to laughter among the group.

"That's it there?" Tara asked as we exited the van.

The warehouse loomed ahead as Aiden pointed towards it. "That's the warehouse," he said. "Looks like that door is our fastest way in and out."

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