𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖲𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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Chapter Thirty Seven,

Chapter Thirty Seven,Alexandria

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NEGAN DARTED OFF, chasing after the source of the gunshot, Rick hot on his heels. Chloe remained on her knees beside the four graves, eyes glistening with tears. Gabriel knelt beside her, whispering, "Hey, she's okay."

"She's at the Hilltop," he continued, gesturing towards the graves. "They're all buried there, those are empty."

A breath of relief escaped Chloe at his words, and she wiped her tears away.

"Dwight is coming this way," Logan alerted them, causing Father Gabriel to stand.

"What the hell are you doing, Logan?" Adam demanded, assisting Chloe to her feet.

"Stop," Dwight intervened. "You're not allowed to touch her," he said, pulling Chloe away from Adam.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"

"I'm Dwight, and you'll do as I say."

"What did you do to her?" Adam pressed, still seeking an answer for Chloe's bruised face.

"She did that to herself. If you want to keep her safe, you'll do as I say," Dwight asserted.

"Come on," Logan said, leading them towards the location of the gunshot.

"Chloe?" John's voice rang out upon seeing her. He tried to pull her into a hug but was stopped by Dwight.

"No, none of you is allowed to touch or talk to Daryl or Chloe. Negan's orders," Dwight stated.

"Didn't ask for your opinion Shireen Baratheon," John said.

"John, please not now," Chloe pleaded.

"Daryl? Chloe?"

Chloe turned to see Merle approaching.

"No, no, no," Dwight blocked his path.

"Get out of my fuckin' way!"

"You better be careful," Dwight warned.

"Daryl? Brother, are ya okay? What did ya do to him? What did ya do to them?" Merle shouted angrily as he tried to shove Dwight aside.

"Hey, man, you better—" Logan attempted to intervene but received a punch across the face.

"Ho, ho, ho. More emotional outbursts," Negan remarked as he emerged from Chloe's house.

"Rick, you better control your people," he told Rick, who followed him out of the house along with Carl and Tom.

"Chloe? Oh my god," Tom exclaimed, trying to reach for her but was restrained by Logan. "Logan, y-you can't..."

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