Chapter 2

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Tré told me a lot about himself. He lives with his dad and sister and he moved here from Germany when he was little. He's actually a drummer and used to be in a band and it's currently looking for a new band. 

"Well y'know, I have a band. Well kind of." I laughed. "It's just me and my friend Mike. I play guitar and he plays Bass. We are looking for a drummer if you'd be interested at all? If you're good that is." We both laughed. 

"Yeah man that sounds great. It'll be nice to get back into the swing of being in a band again." 

We hung out and ate our food until it was about time to start heading home. We had lost track of time and by the time I made it home it was already 4:15pm. School let out at 2:15pm. 

I walked in my house and my mom greeted me with a smile from the sofa. 

"Hi mom," I said as I walked by her. 

"Hi Billie, out with a friend?" She asked me and caught me off guard. 

"Uh yeah, my new friend Tré and I went to the pizza place, um, after school." I told her. 

"Oh that's nice, I was just asking because your friend Mike came over looking for you. Said he couldn't find you after class." 

"Oh yeah that's because Tré and I just left right after the bell rang." 

"Oh okay, when do I get to meet Tré?" She asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe one day this week? He's gonna show me and Mike how well he can play drums so maybe he can be in our band." 

"Very cool, well I can't wait to meet him." She said and looked back down at her magazine.

 I left her alone in the living room and headed to the phone to call Mike to tell him what happened. 

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*


"Hey Mike, it's Billie." 

"Oh hey Billie, I missed you after school?" 

"Yeah I'm I uh," I started to whisper into the phone. "I got into some trouble and had to go to the principal's office, while I was waiting there I met this kid, named Tré. Long story short we left school early and went to the pizza place and got to know each other." 

"Are you about to tell me you have a boyfriend or something?" 

"What! No! I found out he plays drums."

"No way! Did you tell him that we're looking for a drummer?" 

"Yeah I did, he said he'd love to play for us sometime!" 

"That's great!" There was then a pause over the phone. "Hey Billie I've got to get going but I'll see you at school tomorrow, bye!"

"Okay bye!" I put the phone back and went up to my room. 

The next few days were pretty good, well besides the fact that I had to go to school. Tré and I have become really close and he has yet to meet Mike but he's going to play drums for us at my house this Saturday (tomorrow) and that's when me and Mike will see if he's good enough for our band. 

Mike also has a new girlfriend, Brittney, so it's cool to have Tré around when Mike is busy. I thought for a moment. Well it's Friday morning, Tré is coming over tomorrow anyways, I'll ask him if he wants to stay the night. Mike has a date with his girlfriend tonight but I'll ask him anyways. 

"Mom!" I yelled down the stairs as I was getting dressed for school. 

"Yes Billie?" She shouted. 

"Can my friend Tré stay over tonight? Mike too if he can?" I yelled back. 

"Sure! I've got to work late tonight so I'll leave money on the table for you to call for pizza." She shouted back at me. 

"Thanks mom!" 

When I was all ready I left for school. I usually walk to school because I hated the bus and school really wasn't that far away. 

I got to school and walked to my first class. I didn't bother trying to find Tré because I knew I'd see him at lunch. My classes all seemed to be hours long and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. 

I got up and walked to the cafeteria, I got in line and got a mashed potato and chicken bowl, an apple, some milk, and a bag of chips. I checked out and found my usual seat. Off in the distance I saw Tré finishing up in line with his tray of food and watching him basically bounce over to me. 

"Hey Billie!" Tré said, setting his tray of food in front of mine and sitting down. 

"Hi Tré, wanna stay at my house tonight?" I said and took a bite of food.

"I've gotta check with my dad but I know he won't care, he'll be happy I won't be bothering him at the house with all my ruckus." Tré laughed. 

"Okay cool. I'll walk with you home so you can ask and get your stuff and then we can walk to my place. Sounds good?" 

"Yep, I'm excited!" Tré smiled wildly at me. 

"Me too!" I laughed. 

We ate our lunch and talked about a bunch of different things from instruments to school to girlfriends. 

"So what you're saying you've had 4 girlfriends??" I covered my mouth and waited for Trés answer. 

"Yep and they all broke up with me because I'm too crazy or whatever." Tré rolled his eyes. "I don't even know where they got that from!" 

I giggled. "I have an idea of where." 

"Oh so are YOU saying that IM, crazy?" He tried to look serious at me. 

"Yep, because you are, but I don't mind." I laughed at the face he was making. 

"Yeah yeah well what about you? Got your eyes on any girls?" He took a sip of milk from the carton. 

"Nah I can't find anyone. I'm also Bisexual so there's that." I told him. 

"Oh you are?" He looked confused at me. 

"Yeah I am, sorry I guess I forgot to tell you that." I told him.

"Are you leaning more to the boys side or the girls side? Y'know this which one do you find you like more?" He asked me. 

"Not really sure? I haven't been attracted to anyone in a while." I took my last bite of food and the lunch bell rang which signalled for us to go to class. 

"Well Tré, I will see you after school!" We stood up and walked to the exit together. 

"You too Billie, can't wait." He winked at me as we left and went our separate ways. 

Why'd he do that? That's weird. I shrugged it off and went to finish my school day. 

Before I knew it Tré and I were walking to his house.

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