Chapter 7

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When I got back to class I sat down and took my phone out. I hid it under the desk so the teacher wouldn't see.

"Hey, what are you doing?" -Billie

"In history class. You?" -Tré

"Wanna get outta here?" -Billie

"Meet you behind the school in 5." -Tré

I will say that having Tré as a friend has been an adventure. He was funny and always up for trying something new. Oh and he liked to skip school with me too. If my mom asks I'll just say I got sick halfway through school and had to go home.

I put my phone in my pocket and the bell rang. That means that next class was starting. Well not for me, but for everyone else. I quickly ran down the hallway and slipped through the back exit. I turned the corner and there I saw Tré. He looked up at me and skipped over.

"Hi Billie! What are we gonna do now?" He asked me with joy in his voice. I could tell he was happy to be leaving school.

"Wanna just go back to my place and hang?" I asked.

" Sure. Nothing better to do." Tré giggled and we started our walk back to my place.

We had to walk quickly because I didn't want any of my neighbors to see us. They knew I was supposed to be at school and I didn't want them telling my mom that I'm skipping.

When we got through the door I locked it and we threw out bags on the ground next to the door and flopped on the couch.

"It's cool that we have this place to ourselves." Tré said.

"Yeah it is, we can do whatever we want!" I exclaimed.

I turned the TV on and Tré and I started watching some documentary about The Clash. They were a pretty cool band.

Tré scooted over to me and put his head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around him. It was sort of an instinct now and normal for us. We sat like that until the documentary was over and then we checked the time. It was 12:30.

"Time for lunch." I said and we walked into the kitchen.

I looked in the fridge and the cabinets and finally the freezer.

"Looks like all we have is chicken nuggets " I looked at Tré. "Is that okay?"

"Yes!!" Tré squealed. "Chicken nuggets are my favorite!"

"Okay then chicken nuggets it is!" I laughed.

I put 16 of them on a plate and threw them in the microwave for 3 and half minutes. Tré got the ketchup out of the fridge and I got a container to put it in. When the chickens were done cooking I took them out and we went back in the living room. Some cartoon was on that Tré really liked so I didn't bother changing it.

We are and watched TV until I heard a knock at the door.

"Ugh I'll get it." I said and stood up.

When I got to the door I looked through the little hole and saw that it was my mom.

"Weird, she's not supposed to be home yet," I said out loud and opened the door for her.

"Hi mom." I said and she walked in with her overnight bag that she took with her.

"Hi Billie, I know I wasn't supposed to be home yet but someone was fired at my work so I ended up getting a big promotion!" She said excitedly.

"Really?! That's awesome!" I said happily.

Tré walked to where my mom and I were and looked confused.

"Why's everyone so happy!?" He laughed.

"My mom got a big promotion! We've been waiting for this for a long time," I explained.

My mom made a good bit of money but we never really had any leftover after bills and food and stuff but maybe now we can buy other things.

"I'm really happy for you mom!" I ga e her a hug.

"Hey don't leave me out!" Tré ran over and hugged my mom and I and we all laughed.

"Okay well you boys can go off and do your own things, Tré you are willing to stay the night again and I'll take you both to school in the morning if you'd like." My mom said and made her way in the kitchen.

"Yeah sure, thanks!" Tré said happily and winked at me.

I blushed of course and Tré and I went back to the couch and continued to eat chicken nuggets until they were gone.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked Tré.

"Hmmmmmm," Tré thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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