Chapter 6

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We watched TV for a while before going up and getting ready for bed.

"Where should I sleep?" Tré asked.

"Oh, hmm I didn't think of that. Uh you could sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch or I'll make a bed for myself on the floor?" I suggested. I honestly hadn't thought this far ahead since we both slept on the couch accidentally last time.

"Oh no I couldn't take your bed from you. I'll sleep on the floor." Tré waved his hands infront of him.

"I mean we could both sleep on my bed but it's not that big." I pointed at my single bed.

"We can make it work. I mean, we made the couch work," Tré laughed with a hint of almost embarrassment in his voice.

"Oh, hahaha yeahh," I chuckled nervously.

We stood there for a minute in silence before I decided to start getting into bed. Tré started getting into bed on the other side and once we were settled I turned the light off. We laid still in silence for a few minutes until Tré started talking quietly.


"Yeah Tré?"

"You remember when I told you I had 4 girlfriends before?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said with a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"I think I know the real reason they didn't work out." Tré turned to me.

"I thought you said they all thought you were crazy or something?" I said and turned to face him too.

"Well yeah that's the reason they gave me." Tré said and took a deep breath. "Billie I- I uh think I might be like you.. uh I mean Bisexual. Maybe even gay, I don't know." Tré pulled the blanket up to cover his face.

I could tell he was nervous to tell me this.

"I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you thought this?" I asked him and pulled the blanket down from his face so I could see it in the dull moonlight that was shining in from my window.

"It um was when we met. Billie, I think that it might be um because of you. I think you're the reason I feel this way.." Tré scooted a little farther away from me.

It was silent for a moment while I tried to comprehend what Tré was saying.

"You don't have to say anything or even think the same as me but I just wanted to let you know. I can go home if you want. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Tré said and turned away from me in my bed.

I scooted closer to him and put my left arm over the left side of Trés body, spooning him. He slowly turned around and face me and I could see the blush spreading across his face even in the darkness.

"You, you think the same about me?" Tré looked into my eyes.

"Tré that's what I've been trying to say and ask you for days now!" I told him. "I've been wanting to tell you how I feel about you but I always chicken out." I took Trés hand in mine and smiled at him.

"Really?" Tré asked.

"Really." I assured him.

"So what now?" Tré asked?

"I'm not sure, what do you think?" I asked him.

"I think I want to take things slow. This is still new to me." Tré said hesitantly.

"I'm okay with that." I told him.

He smiled at me and turned around to fall asleep. I did the same and we both slept well throughout the night.


The next day we woke up early and got ready for school. Well I wouldn't say we got up early. We woke up with just enough time to get dressed and run to school just before the bell rang. We didn't get any time to talk so I was really looking forward to lunch.

In the middle of my second class I decided I didn't want to be in there anymore and went to the bathroom. I honestly didn't even know what class I was in, it was torturous.

I very slowly made my way to the bathroom and when I got to entrance I heard a familiar cough. It was Mike. I made my way in and went and looked at myself in the mirror.

The stall door opened and Mike walked out.

"Oh hey Billie," Mike said awkwardly.

"Hey," I said casually.

"Um since you're here and you don't look like you're in a rush to go anywhere, do you think we can talk?" Mike looked at me.

"Sure. What about?" I didn't look at him. I was still upset at him for continuously blowing me off to hang out with his girlfriend.

"I know you're mad at me. I know you don't like Brittany." He started to say.

"This has nothing to do with BrItTaNy." I snapped. "It has to do with you blowing me off all the time! We never hang out or even talk anymore!" I started to get mad.

"Well it's not like you have time to hang out. You're always with that Tré guy!" He raised his voice.

"Yeah because he's going to be apart of our band!" I slammed my hand on the sink. "Whether you like it or not, you don't have a say in this because you never pay attention to me or the band anymore."

I started walking to the exit of the bathroom.

"Bye Mike." I said quietly. I then made my way back to class because class didn't seem so bad now.

I miss Mike and I wish he would understand that.

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