Show off, then laugh along

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Ray is leading with the other one of those guys with him. They had flashlights on their guns so that's a clear cause. I'm walking with Gerard and that other dude, following Ray. We all are silent, no one says nothing. Me and Gerard have no idea what's out there or what's even happened while we were locked up to a room. And why the hell we weren't guarded?

We walked through the halls and followed the fire-exit signs.In some hallways the red alarm lights were still on but mostly they weren't on anymore. The whole building was desolate.

Suddenly Ray stopped around the corner. He raised his hand for a mark to wait and then turned off the light and the other guy followed. He peeked to the other side of the corner to see if there as anything. He beckoned us to move closer to the wall.

Someone was there.

Gerard grabbed me from my shoulder and pushed me towards the wall when I didn't notice to move.

Clear talking came from the other side of the wall. I think they were the guardians, they were talking about the other prisoners.

"Of course we have to be the ones to guard. I mean, what the hell."


The other one kept whining and the other just agreed. They don't seem too.. uhm.. clever.

Ray turned back to us laughing quietly. 

"They're just two lanky dweebs." 

We all laughed, maybe a bit too loud. When we noticed how loud we were, everyone hushed to eachother. Gerard to my ear, half laughing, breathing warm air. Chills ran up my spine.

The guys heard us laughing.

"Did you hear that?" one of them stopped.

"No..C'mon, we're late already. No time for your imagination, Barry."

"Let's knock them out." Ray continued.

"Maya, do you want the glory?"

"Sure thing." I answered still laughing a bit. 

I settled before Ray and waited for the first guard to appear. My heart was pounding and I felt my palms sweat, even though I knew these dudes will be easy to knock out. 

Finally the first one appeared behind the corner. I stepped in front of him.

"Oh, hi beautiful!" I shouted and instantly punched him first to the upper corner of his cheeck, hitting the cheeckbone and right after that to his jaw with all the force. He waddled backwards looking sleepy and finifhed the attack by kicking his legs from under him and he fell on his back, hitting the head on the floor.

One out of two.

"What the-" the other one ran to me.

"Ooooh I'll kill you bitch!"

When he was near enough I took few steps back and finally swinged my leg up to his head, getting all the power from my hips. 

He fell instantly on the ground, unconscious.

I stood there in a ready-position, gasping.

"You do that, fucker." I mocked and kicked him to his side.

"MY GOD YES!" I heard Ray shouting.

He started clapping and the others did too. He put on the flashlight to see better. Gerard was grinning and shaking his head slightly.

"Girl, you have to teach me that shit!" Ray ran to me hugging. 

"Wow, I'm so sad we couldn't ever see the other groups' classes. I bet yours were like.. the best ones." 

No.They definitely weren't.

I laughed slightly along. 

Gerard walked to us too and said just "wow". Ray told him to "not mess with me, new guy" and he just laughed a little in response.

"Well, these dudes aren't too physically trained kids." Gerard stated.

"You don't say." I said.

"How did these guys even pass their entrance exams?" one of the other guys said and Ray laughed hard at that comment. 

"They sure have underestimated our students, when they decided to put these guys to guard."

We all laughed.

After a while we got our stuff and continued our journey.

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