You should know this, but first, leave the pity somewhere else

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I felt awkward. What should I say? I've just been told that someone's got a brother as an enemy. Shit.

I turned my head slightly to look at him. 

His black hair moved slightly as the wind blew. He had his big green-ish eyes locked on the road. He looked sad. No wonder. But he was good at hiding his emotions. I'm sure he's got a bigger mess inside his head than he let's the people know. 

I have to say something. 

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Oh, well done, Maya Cox. You just suck at these kind of situations, and that was a great proof of that.

Gerard looked at me and a little smile turned up on his face. 

"Don't be. It's not like it's anyone's fault. Especially not yours."

"I know."

Silence, which felt like hours.

I spoke up again and broke it.

"I haven't seen my parents since I started school.."

It was eight years ago. If I met them now, they probably wouldn't even know it's me.


"Yeah.. I don't even know if they're alive."

"I'm sure they are."

I smiled.

"Me too."


It's dark and I feel hazy. My head's all dizzy. I try to move my legs but I can't, but I can slightly raise my hand. Anxiety starts to grow inside me as I realize my limits of moving. Am I paralyzed?

I hear voices, yelling and laughing.

I try to roll to my side so I could see what the hell is going on.

I feel stinging pain everywhere in my body. Mostly in my ribs, arm and back. My visions starting to get more sharp. 

I realise the movements on my left and turn to see. Maybe 5 people. They're kicking someone who doesn't even try to dodge. He just lies there without moving. 

I notice other one a few meter from these people. He looks dead, concidering the great pool of blood beside him. 

Suddenly they get the man, who they were kicking, up from his collar and slam him against the wall.

The one who's holding him up is talking something, spitting the words to the others face. Suddenly he takes his gun out and settles it under this mans chin.

Loud boom.


The man falls on the hard ground and stays there, motionless.

And finally I know who it is.

I woke up. Gasping for air. Sweating. Heart beating irregularly. 

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ffuck.

"Hey hey hey, are you alright?"

Two eyes full of concern were looking at me. 

I tried to push words out but they clung in my throat. 

Tears started to form to my eyes and I felt like someone was squeezing me to a small pile of shit. 

I felt the car steer to the edge of the road and stop. 

"Maya, Maya! Talk to me!"

A hand shook me from my shoulder. I just grapped the handle and opened the door. I tried to run but my legs couldn't carry me and I didn't have enough oxygen. So I fell down and let the tears flow.


Maya tried to run away from the car but she fell down. She didn't try to get up, she just staid there and cried hysterically. That's definitely a panic attack. 

"*khh* what the hell's happening there?!" the walkie-talkie spoke.

"Uhh.. give us a little time, ok?"

"Okay, but we need to keep going as soon as possible."

"Yeah I understand. Just a second."

I threw the electric piece of shit on the seat and ran to Maya, 

I kneeled down beside her, giving her the space she needs. I streched my arm and gently laid it on her back and caressed it gently.

"Shhhhh, it's ok.." 

Fuck. What should I do?

I sat down on the sand and gently tried to make her react to my actions. She was still crying, her blue hair on her face, the bun was gone. And she had very long hair, wow.

"Maya, May, look at me. It's okay. What ever happened, it was just a dream, right?"

She collapsed on my lap and embraced me in a tight hug. I held her there, caressing her back and keeping her in a warm hug.


After a while, it was silent. We we're in the same position. 

"..Are you alright?" I asked gently.

"..No.." She murmured back.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"I understand." I was still caressing her back gently.

"Uh.. Gerard.. " 

She sat up, revealing her tuquoise irises surreunded with red. 

"I know we haven't known each other for so long, but I trust you. And I trust you 'cause I like you as  a person. And I should tell you this.."

She likes me as a person? I have to admit that I feel the same about her. She's different than others, and that's only a good thing.

She continued to speak cautiously.

"I've seen nightmares. For a long time, and I know it's not normal. I've been sleeping only few hour a night now for a long time.."

I didn't say anything. 

"..And recently the panic attacks came to the picture. It's killing me. And this dream... Uh.. Forget it."

I was confuced, but first of all concerned. I could see she hasn't slept well in a while. 

"It's good to know and I believe that's it's not easy. I hope you're okay now?"

"Yeah, I am." She said and gave me a weak smile. 

I know she isn't. I'm sure that dream was different from the others.

"Could you.. Uh.. Could you be silent about this? I haven't told to anyone but now you and.. Frank."

"Yeah, course." I smiled back cincerely. I tried to look pitying. I know she hates pity. I do too.

"And you can call me Gee, it's easier."

She laughed slightly and stroke the sand on the ground.

"Sure thing, Gee."

I smiled as a response.

She got up from the ground and wiped the sand of her clothes.

"We should keep going." 

She walked back to the car and I followed. I started the car and waited for the others in their own car. 

"Oh, by the way. While you were sleeping we almost got to the bunking place. We're almost there."


Hell-o friends!

Ah, another update, this time a shorter one! (:

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