Chapter 2: The Note

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As the weeks progressed me and Lorenzo were getting really close. like REAL close. we were friends and even some days he would pick me up on his way to the warehouse. on our way to there we stopped for coffee at the local cafe. 

"What are you in the mood for Maya?" Said Lorenzo. "Just give me a caramel latte" i replied. he came back with our drinks and we stayed in the parking lot for awhile. 

"can i ask you something?" Lorenzo said in what seemed like a whisper. "of course you can" i said. "so there's this thing i gotta go to..its like a fancy you maybe want to come as my date?" He looked nervous as he was messing with his hands in his lap. "If you don't want to come i totally understand-" "No, it would be an honor to go as your date."

 His eyes lit up with excitement. "when is this fancy party that you speak of?" i said, hoping to break the awkwardness. To be honest i was as nervous as he was. i really liked this man and maybe just maybe he liked me  too. "It's Saturday night at 7 pm, i can pick you up if you'd like." He said shyly. "i'd like that". we pulled up to the warehouse at the same time as my father was just getting out of the car.

i pushed by all his body guards and said  "Daddy!!" i ran up to him like a little girl. he had been gone for 2 weeks on "business". I did miss him he was the only family i had left. and i know these trips can get dangerous. He hugged me tight as if he was gonna lose me. "I missed you Mija" he said. "i missed you too papi " he finally let go of me and then said "come, follow me to my office i have something to tell you". He had his serious face on...not good.

we went inside as Julio and Santiago followed us in. Julio and Santiago are my dads right hand men. and would die for my father. but they usually give him some space.. I wonder whats going on. 

as i walk into his office Julio shut the door behind me. "papi is everything okay?". He looked worried and distraught. like hes been up all night."Mi vida this isn't easy to say. your in danger" he rubbed his forehead. "What are you talking about?" He looked at Santiago and he then nodded, as if he gave him the "go ahead". 

Santiago then gave him a note with fancy handwriting on it. my father then handed me the piece of paper. It read: "I hope you have Extra security around your precious daughter. it would be a shame if one of my men came around her and showed her a good time. But alas all things happen in time. and i cant wait for that day to come. -A"

What. The. Fuck "Who- Who is A?" i said in a shaky voice. "Adrian Mendaz." my father replied."what does he want from me?" i have never done anything to anyone.

what would some drug lord want with a 22 year old girl? my father hesitated as he began to speak. "mija you are  the daughter of a cartel leader one of the most feared at that. Adrian and his men would do anything to over throw me and take whats mine. they only care about money. nothing more nothing less. if im being honest mija once he gets his hands on you he would either sell you to the highest bidder or kill you."

Vomit rose to the front of my throat. i felt physically sick to my stomach. Who could do such a thing. " I've hired extra security for you,the house and the warehouse. i need you to be alert of your surroundings. you don't go anywhere without at least two of my men do you understand. " my dad sounded serious." I've heard that you and Lorenzo have been getting close. that's good to know. i'm gonna have to talk to him later.he just might be of use around here."

Christ i hope he doesn't scare him off. the man just asked me out! but this is serious and needs to be talked about. My father dismissed me and as i walked out of his office i ran into Lorenzo.

"hey gorgeous" Lorenzo greeted me as i walked in the gym. Being with him is like a breath of fresh air. hes not like the men my father has around here. with Lorenzo i can actually be myself. care free you could say. "hey you" i said as he wrapped me in a hug. "where you off too? he said as he grabbed his gym bag. 

"My father said i could go home. so ill probably drown myself in ice cream and Netflix. what about you?" 

" more than likely the same. its just your father called and asked me to see him in his you know what for?"

"Yes i do but i would rather he talk to you about it. i don't want you to worry"

"Alright ill text you later when i get home." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed to my fathers office. I know it may be too soon but i think maybe just maybe i'm falling for him.  Santiago pulled the car around front and i got in. he must have seen i was a mess because he leaned over and said "Don't worry Mija we wont let anyone touch you" he squeezed my hand. i trust Santiago with my life, hell he helped raise me.

As i unlocked my front door i was greeted by Zeus our German Sheppard. Zeus came up to me with something in his looked somewhat like paper. I grabbed it from his mouth. Santiago watched as i opened it. my mouth dropped as i read it out loud to him.

"Your precious lorenzo isnt who you think he is.- A"


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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