crying Behind the door and the connection

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                 ONE WEEK LATER
A week has passed since our fight and Kara and I are not talking at all.We eat meals separately we sleep in our own beds and we no longer snuggle up on the couch together after we come home for the night.Zady,lily and I have become an unstoppable super team and because of this crime has died down around the city because the criminals are just to scared.I often cry myself to sleep every night ever since the fight happened because I miss Kara.I miss her holding me kissing my head calling me sweet girl and I just miss her all together.Im afraid to approach her after what happened because I'm afraid that we're going to fight again.One day I was at the park playing with my friends when a little kid kicked his ball out into the middle of a busy street.he ran out in the street to retrieve it as a car was coming.I ran out into the street picked up the boy and ran to the other side of the street before the car could hit us.I was praised for my heroic actions and got a metal for saving the boy but of course Kara wasn't there to see it because she was at work I walked sadly back home with the metel around my
neck.That night Kara nocked on my door i had just gotten in bed when she nocked.I could hear her crying and it just broke my heart.Safira baby I'm so sorry for the fight that we had I wasn't listening to you I'm sorry for that and I should of been there for you When you saved that little boy from getting run over today.please let me in so I can hold's been killing me not being able to hug you and hold you She said as she put her back to my door and then just cried and cried.I was crying as well and I couldn't to take it anymore either.I climbed out of bed and walked over to my door and opened it.Kara was sitting on the ground up against the wall with her knees up to her chest and just crying into them.I sat down on my knees right in front of her and I put my hand on top of hers.Im sorry to mom I said and I forgive you she looked up at me in surprise.Come here she said holding out her arms for me to snuggle up into and without hesitation I did just that.Oh my baby she said as she wrapped her arms around me I missed you so much I missed you to I said resting my head on her chest and closing my eyes.Oh I think this belongs to you Kara said putting my necklace back around my neck.Both of us looked down at the 3 imprinted words on the back.Then we looked up at each other. I love you you know that right she said moving a piece of hair out of my face I smiled I love you more I said I love you most she said.All of a sudden a news broadcast came on the the tv.I ran grabbed a pillow and sat on the floor while Kara got out the box of peanut butter crackers.The news broadcast was about a 10 year old girl named mist meeting the president and getting the metal of bravery for saving her best friends lives.Mist looked very familiar to me I felt like I knew her my whole life.Hey baby you want some peanut butter crackers Kara called from the kitchen no thanks mom I said as I kept staring at the tv screen.Ok that's enough tv for tonight Kara said walking in front of me and turning the tv off oh mom I whined don't oh mom me it's time for bed Kara said picking me up in her arms and carried me back to my bed room.As I slept in the safety of Kara's arms I kept on thinking about how I ended up getting adopted by a really nice person like Kara and how I'm a Hero's best friend

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