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"What's going on?" My mom asks as Ethan and I walk inside of my house

"They are giving us close security for a few days, twenty four hours" i say

"Who are?" My mom asks

"Double lock door" one of the security men says

"What's going on Eden?" Mia asks me

"I'm not allowed to say" I tell them, "incase one of you says anything to anyone"

"If you could just let us know of any planned moments" Ian tells me

"So your just going to follow her everywhere?" Ethan asks

"There will always be someone outside" he says, "and I'll need to contact your school and let them know, it's a bigger area so we will need at least ten people to go undercover"

"I'll do it" Ethan says

"What's going on man?" Ray says and I look at Ethan

"Tell them" i say

"I'm in Special Forces, I helped recuse Eden from being hostage" he says and the twins gape at their friend

"So fucking cool!" Ray says

"Not really" Ethan says

"No I mean the fact your both army" Ray says and I sigh turning my attention to Ethan

"Are you sure? I don't want to drag you into this more than you already are" I say

"Eden" he says and I look up at him, meeting his gaze, "I'm at school with you, I'm in all of your lessons. I don't see how it won't work. It will stop the waste of recourses. Come on, I've got this"

"We'll just shadow you as you go about your business, if you want to go to the park or the gym just anywhere normal really" he says and i nod

"Okay" i say with a nod

I lie down on my bed and Ethan sits on the edge

"It's so weird" he says

"What is?" I ask

"Knowing that he's looking for us" he says

"We don't actually know that he's looking for us though do we?" I say

"Still, I feel like I'm in a movie" he says and I laugh as he lies down next to me

"Your a special forces solider, who has saved hundreds of lives and you kill bad guys for a living. But, when it comes me being held hostage and having security outside the house... now it feels like your in a movie?" I ask him and he laughs

"Yeah, I feel like I'm your knight in shining armour" he says and I pull a face

He better not say that again, gosh that as awful.

"I made that reference because you hate it" he says and i chuckle

"Yeah I picked that up" I say and he smiles at me

"I might have to be your knight in shining armour" I tell him and this time he pulls a face.

"Don't worry, I think we both know that I'll protect you" i say and he laughs

"Or close protection" I add and we both laugh

"I better get home" he says and i nod

"Where are you even staying? I thought you said your family was in Cali?" I ask him

"Dads side of the family is, luckily for me I'm staying next door for a while" he says

"Your my neighbour?" I ask him shocked

"Dont be too happy" he says sarcastically and I giggle

"Sorry I think I've had enough shocks to last me a lifetime" I say, "how don't I remember you?"

"I don't know, to be fair I didn't recognise you either. Weird to think how we didnt recognise each other" he says

"Well we didn't exactly talk to each other at home and it's not like we ever wanted to go back home" I say and he nods

"I know, my mom keeps fussing over me. I know she loves me but she's not exactly too happy that I kill people for a living" he says and I laugh

"Mines not too happy either, she told everyone I was living with my dad because she thought I wasn't going to make it in! I smashed basic training" I say and he laughs

"I bet you did I mean come on your legs" he says with a low whistle and I push him off my bed

"You'll never see them again" I say

"I doubt that" he says and I roll my eyes as he lies back next to me

"Give it two more days and you'll be running back to me... they all want a piece of this" he says and i smirk

"A piece of what?" I ask, "your a marshmallow"

"You wanted his marshmallow" he says

"You wanted these legs" I retort

"Toshse" he says and I narrow my eyes at him

"What?" I ask him confused

"I don't know how to say it" he says, "toushae"

"Do you mean touché?" I ask and he snaps his fingers

"That's the one" I say and we both look at each other before laughing

"Your crazy" I say

"You love that I'm crazy though" he says

"Can't say that I don't, we're both crazy" I say and he smiles

"Yes, yes we are" he says and i smile.

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