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Dreadful weekend of stress.

That's us just an understatement of what my weekend has been like.

Ethans back.


In one piece and I'm so relieved.

The rest of the lads are back in one piece as well and they caught the bad guys so it's happy day.

We're now at the awards ceremony.

Unfortunately this means I have to meet Donald Trump.

Ethan and I are getting the silver star, Max is getting the dog equivalent.

So we're stood in this in hall... room kind of thing.

There's about a hundred people sat in there, waiting for us to get awarded.

Some of them is our family and some is some of the past people we have worked with.

I make eye contact with Captain Leroy and he smiles at me and i smile back.

"What are we waiting for?" I whisper to Ethan

"I haven't got a clue" he whispers back and Max brushes my leg and we both look down at him.

"I think he needs the toilet" i say and Ethan smirks

"Please pee on him" Ethan says and i wheeze laying and everyone in the room looks at me and i turn it into a cough and Ethan smirks at me before looking down.

All of a sudden the doors behind us opens and the president walks inside and everyone stands up.

Why do I have to meet his orange idiot? Cant my captain just give me the medal instead?

I'm only doing this for Max, he should be rewarded but he should be rewarded with food not a metal object that he doesn't get.

"Hello. Welcome to the whitehouse. Today we will be congratulating two... sorry three soldiers on their efforts of protecting this great country from terror threats" he says

"Last month, Private Connolly and Private Martinez were involved with the take down of Jacob Hopkins. Earlier this year Private Martinez got taken hostage where Private Connolly helped rescue her with the special forces. Unfortunately this last month Jacob Hopkins reappeared in the country and made several appearances. Luckily with Private Martinez's intel we were able to track him down" he says

"It all came to an end when at their high school Private Martinez and Private Connolly figured out his real target. They were able to saved hundreds of lives that day. Miss Martinez sacrificed her own life to save a fellow student, she took the place of a person in jeopardy to guarantee that persons survival. These actions lead onto Mr Connolly also sacrificing his life to save hers, and for them both to survive K-9, also known as Max interfered to move the gun away from Private Connolly. It is with their actions that they are all able to live today"

"So by those heroic actions, I'm awarding Private Ethan Connolly and Private Eden Martinez the silver star for the bravery and sacrifice for the benefit of others. And I'm awarding Max the medal of courage" he says

He walks over to us and someone else is holding three medals on a pillow.

He shakes Ethans hand, "thank you so much for your service Private Connolly"

"It's no problem sir, thank you for his honour" Ethan says shaking his hand and he puts the medal onto Ethan.

He moves onto and me and smiles and i smile back.

"Thank you for your efforts to protect our country" he says and i shake his hand

"It's no problem, I didn't even hesitate" i say

"I'm grateful l that I have soldiers like you that have such dedication to serve" he says and i nod

He puts the medal on me.

"Thank you sir" i say

He turns his attention to Max.

"This is Max" i say

"How long have you been serving together for?" He asks me

"One year and six months" i say

"That's a long time" he says

"It is, I've enjoyed it though" i say

"Do you mind getting him up on this podium?" He asks me

"Max" i say and he looks up at me

"Up" i say pointing to the podium and he jumps up straight away, "sit"

He sits down, "good boy"

He puts the medal around his neck and Max sits up even straighter. Almost like he's proud.

"His bravery should be acknowledged, he's a valuable asset to this force" he says and i nod

"We have a little meal afterwards, I hope to see you there"

We're now at this meal thing and we're just talking to random people.

My mom hugs me and i smile, "I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks mom" I say smiling

"Martinez" I hear a voice says and i turn to see Captain Leroy.

"Hello sir" i say

"Congratulations" he says

"Thank you, I didn't know you got back off tour" i say

"Came back three days ago" he says and i nod

"I got your psychology assessment back" he says and i nod looking down

"Let me guess, I'm not allowed to carry on?" I ask

"We are going to Afghanistan in two weeks and we need a dog handler, are you in?" He asks and my jaw drops

I look at Ethan and he smiles and i smile back.

"Are you being serious?" I ask smiling and he nods

"We need you Eden" he says

I smile, "yes"

Two weeks later.

I step off the helicopter and Max and I rush into base. The heat is exhilarating, the adrenaline is evident. My heart is pounding.

Yes my job may be dangerous, I may be labelled as a killer. But I know that what I do will save lives. I love my job and this is where I thrive. My family might not be actually here with me, but my second family will always remain in these soils.

So make your judgments. But out here, in the heat and the sand yes it's not all good.

But it's where I belong.

Authors note:

Thank you so much for reading!
Tomorrow (or later today) I will be announcing a new book called Trapped In Lace so feel free to go and read that if you want. I have been working on this one for a few months now and will be updating daily since it is already completed.

Again thank you for sticking with me through my struggles to update and if you have enjoyed it, I'm glad.


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