Chapter 14 | Meeting them

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The pass few days has been rough. A lot of homeworks and projects were given left and right. It was just a stressful week.

Giyuu finally finished his last project and passed it to his Professor. He went back to his dorm and plop himself on couch as he felt so relief. He laid there for a fair bit of time then decided to go out. He chatted Zed and Sabito to meet up at the middle of place. He putted his phone back to his pocket and took his time to walk there.

Soon enough he had arrived. He saw both of em. Just waiting by the tree. As  usual Sabito was sitting at the bottom while Zed was on the branch. They began walking towards Giyuu. Smiles on their faces as they were back together.

"Any plans for the weekend?" Giyuu asked, as he threw some pebbles.

"Makomo will be studying for the whole weekend she said so I guess I got no plans." Sabito spoke as he layed down to look at the sky.

"How about visiting them? We really haven't seen them for a while..." Zed said, jumping off the branch startling Sabito a bit. "We could go out with them to the park or maybe buy them some new things." He said as he dusted the back of his pants.

"Great Idea!" Sabito said, standing up as he stretched both of his arms up high.

"We should leave very early to surprise them when they wake up." Giyuu suggested as he threw one last pebble before standing up.

"Then that's the plan for this weekend! Let's meet up at the gate by 4 in the morning!"

The two nodded in response.

Sabito was jumping in excitement as he can't wait for tomorrow. The two giggled at the sight of seeing Sabito like this.


Sabito was about to leave the dorm but decided to go inside Makomo's room. She was still sleeping. He went close to her and kissed her forehead. He quickly left when Makomo suddenly change her sleeping position.

He quitely walk in the hallways. A bit scared since it's still dark. The place was a bit scary when night falls. He quickly ran towards the gate when he saw Zed and Giyuu who just arrived.

"Let's go?" He asked.

The two nodded in response.

The three then started their journey. It was pretty long walk but they were already used to it. They soon arrived at a apartment.

The three argued to who would press the doorbell. They were a mess. Forcing each other to press the button. They decided to do a rock paper scissor game.

They faced each other as they putted their hands in the middle. They stared at each other menacingly.

"On Shoe." Sabito said.

"Rock paper Scis-"

The door suddenly opened. They all jumped in fear and quickly panicked.

"Long time no see." A man spoke who wore a tengu mask. He was holding two garbage bag by both of his hands.

He then walked passed them then threw the bags in the garbage can.

"Why are you up so early?!!" Sabito said still in fear. "Your supposed to be asleep right now!" He added.

Giyuu then slap Sabito's shoulders. "He'd be awake either way if we had pressed the door bell."

"You guys coming or what?" Zed said as he was already at the door following the man behind.

The two quickly followed.

They proceeded to the living then sitting next to each other at the couch. They look around in amazement. The place has changed a lot. This apartment is were they live together when they were still in Middle School and High School. A lots of memories flood into their eyes and minds. Flash backs after flash backs.

The man came back with some coffee and green tea. The coffee were for the two and the green tea was for Zed.

"How have you been doing Urokodaki-san." Zed spoke.

"I'm fine...your voice has gotten deeper." He said.

Zed took his mask off. "Probably a bit deep because my mask." He chuckled.

"Urokodaki-san!!!" Sabito shouted, He stood up stepping one foot on the table and pointed at the man. "I GOT A GIRLFRIEND YOU LOSS THE BET!" He shouted in pride.


Zed and Giyuu both elbowed his gut. As they pulled him down, putting him in a proper sitting position. Zed was furious about his actions. He wanted to strangle Sabito for doing such a thing to Urokodaki. The guy really respects the old man.

"I'm sorry Urokodaki-san! Please forgive me!" Sabito bowed his head.

"Your forgiven Sabito." Urokodaki said, He poured more coffee and green tea to their empty mugs.

The four had their long chats. They had their joys and laughters. Soon enough time has passed. Urokodaki excused himself to make breakfast. The three had smirks and went on following him to the kitchen. They decided to help the old man. A lot of commotions were made as they helped.

The trio were arguing to each other. Sabito pointed out the fact that Zed can't crack an Egg. Zed fired back that he can't even cook. Giyuu pointed out the two were idiots. They continued doing this for a while.

Urokodaki was just staring at them. Smilling behind his mask. He remembered the time when they were still young helping him in every movement or action he makes and the trio would always argue to what's the best for him.

"How time flew quickly." Urokodaki mumbled to himself as he looked at an old picture that had him and trio with 2 babies in the middle of them.

"Hey Urokodaki-san what's the commotion about?" A boy called out as he letted out a big yawn while rubbing his eyes.

"Grandpa you woke us up!" A girl whined as she was following behind the boy.

The two soon went to the kitchen. They're eyes widened when they saw the trio making a mess in the kitchen.

"Nii-chans?!!" The two shouted in unison.

"Good Morning!" The three greeted as they smiled.


And that's all for this chapter! Expect some family stuff next chapter XD

That's all and peace out!

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