Chapter 19 | Hard Working

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It was a normal afternoon weekend, The school was pretty much empty considering the students are in dorms or hanging out to somewhere nice.

Zed was walking in the hallways, carrying stack of paperwork's. He arrive in front of an office, He reached for the knob but stop when he heard a familiar voice, He leaned closer to door.

"Sir please! Give me another week and I'll fully pay it!"

"I'm sorry Shinazugawa but 2 day is my given option for you, Last time you ask for a week it didn't happen and I let it slide but now I'm sorry but 2 days is my limit."

"Is there anything I can do to make it a week?! Please!"

"I'm sorry Shinazugawa but... there's nothing I can..."

Zed stepped aside from the door after hearing footsteps coming towards the door. It opened revealing Sanemi, He's eyes were watery as he tried to cover his sobs, He looked at the sides. His emotions change quickly. "The f*ck you looking at Masky? Out of my way!" He walked passed Zed, hiding his hands in his pocket as he walked away.

Zed stared at him for a bit then proceeded to go inside.

"You okay Goto-sama?" Zed asked, putting the stack paperwork's on the desk.

"Y-yeah..." Goto slowly raced his head.

"You don't sound okay...Spare me the drama and tell me the story." Zed sighed, grabbing a seat.

"I feel sorry for the kid..." Goto lowered his head, holding both of his hand tightly.

"I said spare me the drama and tell the story! I already know his background, I wanna know what you two were talking about." Zed said.

"Well... Apparently he doesn't have enough money to pay for his Tuition Fee that are in need to be paid right away! He asked for a week but It has already passed and now he wants to add another week but I couldn't do it so I gave him 2 days instead... If he can't pay it by 2 days... I'm afraid his going to be dropped out." Goto explained, He held his chest, clenching it as he felt his heart ache.

"Is that so...Well I'm off." Zed stood up, putting back the seat to where it belonged.

"Zed... I want you to help him in any given way...Please." Goto begged.

Zed stop, letting out a chuckle before leaving the office.

He then left the building, walking back towards his dorm. As he was about to enter the dorm building, He saw Kanae chasing someone. He sighed then went on trailing her.

The trailing was a bit long before it finally stop. He hid himself at the corner of the hallway.

"Kanae stop following!"

"Sanemi I want to help you!"

"There's nothing for you to help! Now stop f*cking bothering me!"

"Sanemi I know it's about your payment so please let me help you!"


"Sanemi ple-"


The sound of a slap echoed.

Sanemi slowly turn to look at her, He reach to his red mark cheek. Kanae's eyes became watery, Tears slowly began flowing on her cheeks.

"If that's what you want...then fine... I'll leave you be..." She wipe her tears, slowly turning then walking away, She quickly ran as she took a turn.

Sanemi was left there smoothly rubbing his cheek, Tears slowly flowed out from his eyes as he turned back. "I'm sorry..."

Zed sighed, leaving his position. "I'll see what I can do Goto-sama."


A knock can be heard from the door. Shinobu was the one to answer. She opened it and her eyes widened.

"Nee-san what happened?!" Shinobu's voiced raised a bit, she let Kanae in then proceeded to her room. Loud crying can be heard inside the room. This went on until it got dark, Shinobu decided to let her stay in for the night.

~The Next Day~

The Professor was doing a morning roll call.

"Shinazugawa?... Looks like he's not here...Shieda?...Also not here." He then closed his roll call list then proceeded to start the morning lesson.

"I wonder where those two are..." Giyuu thought as he looked outside of the window, slowly drifting away from the class.


Sanemi was walking by the sidewalks, carrying a bag that looks like it has a lot of stuff. Zed was trailing from the opposite side of the sidewalk. Sanemi soon went in to a construction site, He was greeted by someone who wore a formal suit, A Boss or the owner of site is all Zed could think off.

The two soon parted ways, Sanemi went on changing and wore a hard helmet. He then started to work, He carried concretes , planks and other stuff.

"I wonder If you can actually do this within two days." Zed said, He was observing him from the rooftop of a house that was at the opposite side.

Time passed, It was around 12 noon. Sanemi started to change his clothes and packed his things up, He left the place with money on his hand then stuff it in his wallet.

Zed went down from the house and continued to observe him.

Finding small jobs is what Sanemi has been doing the whole day, He didn't bother to have lunch which was surprising. Night has fallen and he hasn't left this restaurant, soon enough the back door opened revealing Sanemi who was taking out the trash. He went back in for a couple of minutes then came back out with money in his hands. He finally decided to call it a day and go back to get some rest.


He arrived at his dorm, He opened the door then step inside then went to his room and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. It took a couple of minutes before he was done showering and wore clothes.

He went to his desk, grabbing his wallet out while getting a calculator. He then began couting the money he received for today. Tears slowly came out from his eyes ashe finished couting, "Tch...Not even half..." He stuffed the money back in his wallet, He stood up, walking to his window, He stared at the moon. "God...If there's one of you listening right now...I want you to give all my blessings to Genya...I want you to give him the future that he needs...please... That's all I ever want to wish...please." His vision started to get blurry, everything slowly went up then he shut his eyes.

Zed caught him before he could fall on the ground, He carefully carried him to his bed then tuck him in.

"Your little brother is really your top one priority huh." Zed lowly said, walking back to the window then jumped out.



Sorry y'all for the lack of updates! My Mood Swings or Change is killing me right now! Half of me wants to carry on writting and Half of me wants to not write or continue especially The Day I Met You Again to that book sorry if I haven't publish any chapts! Sorry to disappoint you but I haven't putted any progress in it cuz of my mood swings/change. Very sorry of the delays and hope you guys understand!

That's all and peace out!

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