Eevee sat on my lap as everyone snuggled into their blankets for the night. All eight types of Eeeveelution were dozing off as the crickets chirped in the forest around us. Sylveon the fairy type was the nearest to me, her ribbons from the two bows she had brushing my arms and legs. Glaceon and Leafeon were side by side, almost touching noses as they breathed slowly. I giggled, remembering how they were mates, and that their types didn't correlate very well with each other being ice and grass types. The same went for Espeon and Umbreon, the dark and psychic types, whose heads were touching as they slept. Espeon's big, long ear twitched as she took a deep breath.
Jolteon and Vaporeon did the same thing, the electric and water types. It was amazing to see how everyone fell in love with each other so quickly despite the strengths and weaknesses, and how strong they were since they were on the same team. The only one that seemed to be lonely was Flareon, but I could tell that he had big feelings for Sylveon. He just didn't feel that, being a fire type, he wasn't strong enough for her. I sighed, remembering how even with his Fire Blast that destroyed anything in its path, he still had trouble making Sylveon notice him.
But the point was, Sylveon just loved me too much to take a glance at him. Of course, she treated him like a best friend and a part of the team, but that was all it was. It wasn't her fault, and I knew that he wanted more than that, but just didn't know how to make Sylveon know how he feels about her. I didn't know how much longer he could take such rejection...
"Flareon," I called to him as he stared up at the stars, his full fur twitching as the breeze made it move like fire. He looked at me, his black eyes shinging in the moonlight. "Come lay next to me tonight. Sylveon's already asleep." I held my hand out, and he hesitated. "Come on. You know how heavy of a sleeper she is." He slowly got up then, his orange and yellow body moving through the tumble of bodies. I gently pet his head as he came up to me, and smiled. "I'm feeling a little cold. Can you warm me up?" He nodded, laying down next to me.
Eevee was already asleep, her fur soft against my cold arms. Flareon used his body to warm up my legs, being careful not to become too hot to burn me. I could tell Eevee was feeling it too as she moaned into my abdomen. I could feel my eyes shimmering as I took one last look at my family that had to be the strongest team in Kalos. With all eight badges and me being the new champion of the Pokémon League, it seemed like there was no trainer that could defeat us.
My dream of becoming an Eeveelution master started when I first met Eevee at Professor Sycamore's lab. My mother was very good friends with him, and he knew how much I loved Eevee even before I started my journey at ten years old. Not only did he find one for me, but it was also shiny! I couldn't believe my eyes, knowing how rare they really were, and tears flowed down my face for being so happy. That was the start of our relationship and team, and after the journey across mountains, oceans, and fields, we fought and beat the champion together and grew an amazing team of Eeveelutions.
I was now 17 years old, and being the champion for four years tended to get boring. Everyone that has battled my team has yet to win, and I had a feeling that it wouldn't be anytime soon for how strong they were. I was starting to think that even if someone owned a Yveltal or a Xerneas, they still wouldn't win against them. Yes, they were that strong. Because of that, there was no way to think that there was anyone capable of taking my place as champion.
And I didn't like it.
Being the champion was really fun for awhile, but after about two years I knew that there was no chance that anybody would come to beat me and my family. I would be in the room above the Elite Four all day waiting for the challengers, knowing the exact result of who would be the winner. Whether it was from Glaceon's Sheer Cold or Jolteon's Thunder that crushed it, it seemed that there was never a slim chance of anyone fainting any of them.
I was proud of them, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to do something more than just sit in a room all day. The Elite Four allowed me to take a vacation for a bit, but when they told me that it was only for a week, I scowled. "A week?! We need much longer than that!" Eevee glared at them as I said this.
"Hey, you got yourself into it. You shouldn't have beaten the last champion if you didn't want the responsibility." I scowled again. "Look, you should consider yourself proud! There are trainers coming from every region wanting to battle you! You have to be the most famous champion in the world!"
"I don't want that! I just wanted to accomplish big things with my team! Can't I just step down or something?"
"No, because there is no one to take your place for how strong you are." I knew that this argument would go on for longer than I wanted, so I just agreed with what I got. A week of exploring a small part of Kalos, with no one else but my Eeveelutions. Why did I get the feeling that it would feel way shorter than a week?
It was now six days into my vacation. I knew that it would go by fast, and pretty soon the Talonflame would come to take me back to my post as champion. I sighed. Why couldn't I find a place where I could do more than just battle trainers in the same room all day? I thought about leaving the region completely, but that would just mean that I would have to change my name and disguise myself to prevent paparazzi from getting to me. In other words, I couldn't leave the region even if I wanted to, or else me being "famous" would get to me.
Eevee moved, and I looked down. Her eyes were clenching, and she wiggled as her dream started to attack her. I took one of my hands, and gently scooped her chin into it, stroking the side of her face. She immediately relaxed, moaning in happiness and comfort. I smiled, and then looked up at the moon. "I have to do something," I whispered, careful not to wake anyone. "I can't have this life forever."
Like it was right on cue, the sky began to change. I gasped as all of the stars started moving, and shot into the sky like a million comets. They all collided into one spot, and a pink light burst from the spot. I had to shield my eyes, and by now everybody was awake. When the light dissapeared, a large black figure was falling from the sky. All I really saw were small red dots on what looked like a head. A large boom let me know that it landed not too far away into the trees. I noticed that the stars were back, too.
It didn't take me long at all to decide whether to go after it or not. I took out eight pokeballs from my bag near my resting place. "Let's go, everyone!" All at once, every Eeveelution turned red and dissappeared into a beam of light that entered the balls. I put them away, strapped my bag onto waist and turned to Eevee. She quickly hopped up onto my shoulder, and I sprinted down the path toward where the figure dissapeared.

Fairy Tail Eeveelution
FanfictionElena is a Pokémon trainer who wants something better in life. Being the champion of the Kalos region was fun at first, but now it's just a burden to her life. She wants something more than just beating every challenger that comes in with her Eeveel...