Chapter 4 - A Happy Family Reunion

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Shadin and the others decided to bring Sage and his sisters to Beacon but decided to make the reunion a surprise. So the kids assumed that they were just going to visit Blake, he was super excited to see his big sister and friend again, "Ohhhh, I can't wait to see Blake again! It's been 3 years since I last saw her."

Yang(Pure) chuckles as she then said, "Well, that makes three of us." 

"We're all looking forward to this!" Ruby(Pure) excitedly said.

Sonic then said, "We are all looking forward to this." As the airship reached their destination, they walked off the bullhead and saw Beacon Academy, "Woah! This looks like a palace!" The speed trio said in unison as their adults chuckle at their reaction, "Yep, this school was built like a castle."

They made their way to the courtward and they saw Blake waiting for them, "Oh Blake!" Sage greeted as he waves at her as he approaches her, "Hi Sage." She greeted as the little Rose hugs and Blake giggles and they hugged each other. 

"Hey, don't leave us hangin'!" Yang told them as she and Ruby joins in the hug. They separated as Blake saw Shadin and the others, "Sup Blake!" Sonic greeted as Blake nods in return. She then turns to Sage as she puts her hands on his shoulders, "Sage, there's something I want you to see." Sage was confused at what she said and when she step aside, he saw two females that he missed so much, "R-Ruby? Y-Yang?" His two sisters then started to cry as they rushed towards their long-lost little brother, "SAGE!!! BABY BROTHER!!! WE MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!" They said as they hugged their little brother while they cry, "I-I MISS YOU GUYS TOO!!!" They let go of the hug and smile afterwards and Yang(Xiao Long) said, "Blake told us what dad did to you, we're so sorry that we didn't protect you."

"It's fine, I don't blame you for that." Ruby(Rose) then said, "We will always be there for you now!"

"S-Sage?" A familiar voice then heard as Sage turns around to see his mother, wearing a blue cloak instead of white, with tears in her eyes, "M-Mom?"

"SAGE!!/MOM!!" They shouted in unison as they rushed at each other and hugged each other, "My-My baby boy! I miss you so much!"

"Me too! I miss you too!" He said as he hugs his mother tighter and Summer did the same. Summer briefly released so she could cup his cheeks and kiss his face repeatedly before resuming hugging, as Ruby(Rose) and Yang(Xiao Long) formed a group hug, the Pure family smiled at the reunion and Ozpin appeared behind them. Then Ozpin came out of nowhere as he walk towards the two families, "Family Reunion is beautiful isn't it?" He asked as everyone nodded in agreement, Summer then separated from the hug and grabs Sage's shoulders, "WHERE WERE YOU!?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?!?" Her son looks down and begans to tear up.

Yang(Xiao Long) then answered, "Mom, there's a reason why I asked you not to bring dad."

"And why is that?" Summer asked.

Yang(Xiao Long) took a deep sigh before answering her question, "Dad's been abusing Sage while we're away." Summer's eyes widen and looked back at Sage while Shadia is all black and white with her mouth wide open in shock, "Is this true?" Sage sadly nodded and Summer brought him into a hug, "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as her voice broke and Sage answered, "He told me that you wouldn't believe me." Summer couldn't believe what she is hearing, she felt two emotions mixing up on her head, first is anger, anger at Tai hurting her son, and second is sadness that she didn't notice it and couldn't protected him, "My baby boy, I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok mom, I still love you!" She then kisses his forehead and brought him to a hug again, "I love you too!" Summer then notices the Pure family and relatives and the Pure daughters who looked exactly like her two daughters just in different clothing, "Sweetie, who are these people and why do these two completely look like Ruby and Yang?"

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