Chapter 6 - Team Super

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On the way back to Beacon, Ruby(Rose), Yang(Xiao Long), and awaiting Blake was talking to Sonic and Shadow about being Sage's uncles and guardians, "So, you two think you can handle protecting our baby brother?" Shadow simply said, "I can assure you that we are more than capable." 

"So, what're your weapons?" Ruby asked as her curiosity got the best of her, "Yes, I'm quite curious myself." Blake added as Shadow just chuckles as he responded, "I don't need any weapons."

"Why is that?" Yang asked and Sonic then answered, "Because, he has a special ability that no people here in Remnant can do and no it's not his Semblance."

"And what about you Sonic?" Yang asked.

"Mine is speed and skills and my weapon is a sword that I can do various things." Sonic said.

"Like?" Ruby asked as she gets curious on what his sword can do.

"Like, firing a energy sword beam, I can throw it like a boomerang, spin it around like a saw, stuff like that." Ruby's eyes sparkled as Sonic explains what his weapon can do.

"Now you know what we're capable of, it'll take a million Grimms to stop us." Shadow boasted as Sonic just groans at his cocky attitude, "Oh Shadow."

"Anyways, I know you can definitely protect baby brother with your cabalitities." Ruby said

"I hope you two can keep him safe." Blake and Yang hoped as Shadow then responded, "You have our word, we won't anything bad happen to my nephew." 

"I appreciate it that you two would prove it."

Sonic then proudly said, "When we get to Beacon, we will." As he punches his other palm, "Wait, what do you mean by When we get to Beacon?" Yang asked as Sonic and Shadow looked at each other before nodding, "Ozpin has prepared a little 'test' for us. The initiation that you went through to get in, we will be taking Sage go through it." This shocks the three girls as they then shouted, "WHAT!?!"

Meanwhile at the other side of the bullhead, Yang(Pure) is sitting on a chair with her hand on her cheek looking bored, Ruby(Pure) is in front of Ozpin listening to what he is going to say, and Sage is leaning against the wall arms crossed while listening to the headmaster, "So all we got to do is to go through the forest, try to survive while we fight Grimm, get the relics and get the hell outta there?" Yang(Pure) said as Sage then told her, "That's what he just said, yeah."

"C'mon sis, we've dealt with stronger Grimms before, this is nothing!" Ruby(Pure) proudly said as she punched her other palm, "I've watched you three for four years now, you've saved a small town, Mr. Rose got squashed by a falling building and amazingly and unexpectedly survived afterwards." Ozpin told a little bit of their past adventures.

"Heh, what can I say? I die hard." He said as he shrugs, "I still can't believe you survived that day little brother, you had us worried sick." Yang(Pure) told him as Sage scratches the back of his head. Then all of a sudden, the door got kicked down by Yang(Xiao Long) whose hair is on fire and her eys are blood red and behind her revealed an equally angry Ruby(Rose) and Blake, "What the hell are you thinking Ozpin!?!"

"Miss Xiao Long, please calm down." Ozpin tried to calm down Yang(Xiao Long), "NO! WE JUST GOT OUR BABY BROTHER BACK AND YOU WANT TO SEND HIM TO FIGHT GRIMM!!??"

Blake stepped forward and did her best to keep herself calm but she made her anger known, "He's not ready to fight Grimm yet!"

"Perhaps." A soon as he said that, Sonic and Shadow came walking and stand beside Sage, "That is why Sage's uncles here will be his guardians. Please understand, I would not be sending him to fight even a Beowulf if I was not one hundred percent confident in these two men's abilities." Ozpin reasoned with the three girls as they looked at each other trying to figure it if they should let them go through this. Eventually, Ruby walked towards Shadow then said, "You two have amazing abilities and weapons, but can you promise me that you'll protect little brother."

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