Chapter 2 - First Adventure, Saving a Kitten

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(Originally Published on Sep 30, 2020, Updated - 7/31/21)

Three Years Later...

Sage - 8 years old

Ruby(Pure) - 11 years old

Yang(Pure) - 13 years old

Sage has been doing great at his training, he has mastered his two styles, his hand-to-hand combat, his weapon-wielding, and he is now cured of his pain by Taiyang years ago. Ruby and Yang are doing great too, Ruby has learned the Gunslinger style and Trickster style while Yang has learned both Gunslinger and Swordmaster styles. And during these three years, they have built their own weapons and Sage decided to upgrade his weapon a bit and it can now switch gun-modes, it can turn from pistols to shotguns, shotguns to snipers, snipers to auto-rifle, and much more.

"So, you three ready for your first adventure?" Shadin said as he stood at the front of the house leaning against the wall, "Yeah, Uncle Sonic told us that his first adventure was when he was a... a..." Sage then puts his hand on his chin remembering what age he started his adventure, "10." He was saved by Ruby, "10, and we got inspired by how young he started his adventure and thank you Ruby for the save." Ruby then hugs her little brother as Sage hugs her back, "Don't leave me hanging!'" Yang said as she joins herself from the hug, "Well, with your speed training from me, you three can go fast on your travels." Sonic said as he appeared with a chili dog in his hand. 

"And thanks for that uncle, well, we better get going." Yang said but before they run off to who knows where "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOU THREE!!!" Shadow's voice shouted before he teleported right in front of them, "Before you go, have these with you, I have a feeling you will need these on your journey." He then throws three emeralds at their base on their color, "THE CHAOS EMERALDS!?!" Shadin and Sonic gave Shadow a questionable look before Sonic speaking, "That's awfully kind of you Shadow."

"Yeah, I agree, your not this generous before Shadow." Shadin pointed out as Shadow then crosses his arms and turns around, "Consider it my uncle instinct, you will meet new friends on your journey, don't forget to send us notes or at least make your presence known to us signaling that your okay, and there's one more thing I want to give you three." He then throws a white small case at Sage as he caught it effortlessly, "What's this?"

"Tails requested me to give this to you three, it'll help you survive to whatever out there and remember, "Life is an adventure and that is best lived boldly." Now go, your adventure awaits." He then Chaos Control out of there leaving a shocked Pure trio before Sage speaks first, "He's right, our journey will be nothing if we just do nothing." Ruby then said, "He's right, we never gave up before, we can't give up now." Yang then said next, "Yeah, we'll be ready for whatever is thrown at us!" Shadin and Sonic can hear their very high determination in their voice, "Well? What are you waiting for? Your adventure is not going to start by itself, and here." He then throws three scrolls at them and walk towards them and gives them 50,000 lien credit card each, "Call us if you need something and to make sure you three are still healthy and wanting to buy something but make sure to spend wisely. I wrote down the code on your scrolls just in case you forgot about it. Good luck and I'll miss you three." He then hugs his three children as the three hugs him back, "We'll miss you too dad."

Shadin then separated from the hug before saying, "Now go, your journey has just begun." The three nodded before dashing away leaving Red, Yellow, and Blue trails behind them.

A year later...

BGM: Sonic Generations - Green Hill Zone Modern

At a beautiful field, a blue blur leaving blue rose petals running through the field, jumping from rocks to rocks, "Ahh, What a beautiful day today." Sage said as he admires the sunny weather, he then saw a couple of Beowulf Grimm at a distance as he then smirks and grabs Blue Rose as he then said, "Hah! Let's do this!" He then speeds up as he then turns into a blue rose-like comet while sticking out his scythes slashing the Grimms in an instant, "Heh! Too easy!" He then boosted away while leaving a trail of Blue rose petals behind, he then saw some obstacles heading his way as he then smirks and jumps off a big rock towards a rock wall and runs on it the moment he made contact with the wall, when he got over the stone wall and goes to the other side, he kept running like there's no tomorrow, "WOO!!" He screamed as he keeps running.

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