Chapter 9 - The Bunny and the Bully

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Sage got back from Vale after his meeting with Varu and his fight with BloodShot but he wondered, who was BloodShot's master? And what are their goals? Those questions are yet to be answered and another thing is the new power he used to finish off BloodShot, what WAS that power and why does he have it? He looks at his hands as he then mumbled, "This power, with this power, I can be a target to every evil in the world but why me of all people? Is it because I'm worthy? Or is it because I'm chosen?" He then tightly closed his fist as he keeps wondering why but he knows that he can't keep wondering why as he then took a deep breath and move on... for now.

He then grabs the groceries at the car and closes the top of the car and locks the doors and walks to his dorm to drop the groceries.

He then went to the cafeteria where his sisters are waiting for him, "Sage! Over here!" Ruby and Rosetta called their little brother as Sage then saw them and sits next to Ruby, "So, where were you all morning little bro?" Yang asked, "I just went to the park, having some alone time. Oh, and here you two." Sage then hands the two boxes of cookies to Ruby and Rosetta, "Thanks, Sage!"

"By the way, Sage, how are you able to buy food?" Weiss asks as everyone besides Rosetta and Yin looks at him as Sage then said, "Father." He simply answered making both RWBY and JNPR confused, "What he meant is, our father gave us 50,000 lien credit cards five years ago for our four-year adventure." Rosetta explained as the two teams understood then Nora began to telling her over-exaggerated story with Ren correcting her, "So there we were, in the middle of the night."

"It was day."

"We were surrounded by Ursai."

"They were Beowulves."

"Dozens of them!"

"Two of them."

"But they were no match and the end of the day, Ren and I made a boatload of Lien from Ursa skin rugs." Nora finished her story as she sits back down while crossing her arms with a proud expression. Sage did an amused whistle as Ren sighed as he then said, "She's had this recurring dream for months."

Sage looked at Jaune and he looked depressed as he is playing with his food, "Hey Jaune, you okay dude?" 

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm okay." Jaune did a fake smile but Sage can tell that it is fake, "It's Cardin, isn't it?" Pyrrha asked, "Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah, he just likes to mess around, you know practical jokes."

"Who's Cardin?" The Pure sisters asked in unison and Ruby then said, "He's a bully."

Jaune scoffs as he then said, "Oh please, name one time that he's bullied me?" He then nervously laughs as the two teams then heard a thud and saw Sage had a seemingly large book as he was going through pages, "Let see... Page 210, paragraph 4, Jaune is seen on the way to class as Cardin is going the other way down the hall. When the two passes, Cardin sways his arm into Jaune and making him drop his book, then continuing on his way with his hands out as if daring anyone to challenge him."

"Well..." Jaune tried to say something but Sage just continues, "Page 216, paragraph 10, Jaune and Cardin are about to pass through a doorway, but Cardin clicks on Jaune's sheath and extends it into its shield form as he was going out, causing him to run into his own defense and have it block the exit."

"You see I..."

"Page 220, paragraph 1, Professor GoodWitch was in the locker room with several students as she was explaining the lockers' function, "Each of you will be assigned one rocket-propelled locker to store your weapons and extra armor. Additionally, your locker can be sent to a custom location based on a six-digit code." Hearing this, Cardin looks at Jaune who is standing between him and the only open locker in the room and the cliché plays itself out as Cardin quickly pushes a shocked Jaune into the small dark space and closes the door on him. Jaune tried to plead Cardin to open the locker but instead helping him, he puts a random 6-digit code as the locker, with Jaune inside, got launched up in the air as Cardin watched the locker flies out of the window with a proud look on his face." Sage finished as he closes the book and looks at Jaune and the others are now focused on Jaune, "I didn't land far from the school."

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