Chapter 14 - The cat's out of the bag part 2

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"Blake, I want you to meet my friends who were formerly from the Whitefang. Auburn, Rufous, Selena, Lu, Ara, Raven, and Rena." Blake was surprised by this and she looks at the seven Faunus then she looks at Ara but she couldn't find her Faunus heritage, "Wait, she's a former Whitefang member, then where is her animal part?" Sage smiles at her question as he turns his head to Ara and gave her a nod and she nods back, she then activated her semblance as her hair turns white, her eyes turn red, and nine fox tails appeared on her back.

" Blake was surprised by this and she looks at the seven Faunus then she looks at Ara but she couldn't find her Faunus heritage, "Wait, she's a former Whitefang member, then where is her animal part?" Sage smiles at her question as he turns his he...

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Blake is impressed by her transformation as she then looks at Sage then bluntly said, "She is the only Faunus that can show her features when her Semblance is in use." Blake looks back at Ara as she then said, "My Semblance is Eun, It's like a second soul inside my body, lending me his power and my true form. Not only that, but it also doubles my capabilities." She explained and Blake then nodded as she understands her semblance can do, "Don't forget that your Semblance only lasts a few minutes." Rufous reminded Ara as the nine-tailed Faunus nodded as her response then she deactivates her Semblance as she transforms back to her normal self.

"Speaking of which, Blake. Why did you run away from Beacon? I was looking for you for two days straight." Sage asked as Blake looked down with sadness on her face as she said, "*Sigh* I'm sorry, I just revealed my biggest secret to them and there is no doubt that Weiss will criticize me." Sage just sighed at her story as he puts his hands on his waist then said, "Don't judge too quickly, I said some things to her that it left her speechless so she will understand you, Blake." Blake smiled at Sage and gave him a hug and Sage hugs back. After they let go, Sage pulls out the purple rose and hands it over to Blake, "I wanted to give this to you Blake, their symbolism is often tied to enchantment, wonder, splendor, and mystery." Blake smiles at her little brother figure as she took it and smells it as she then did a contented sigh as she then said, "Thank you, Sage."

"By the way, who's this?" Rufous asked as he pointed his finger at Sun, "My name is Sun Wukong, you must be the one we're looking for, Sage right?" Sun asked as he pointed his finger to Sage and the twelve-year-old just nodded as his response. Just then, a strong gust of wind surprised them, when they cleared their eyes, they saw bullhead landed near the docks and multiple WhiteFang members walked off the aircraft much to everyone's dismay, "Well, speak of the devils." Sonic said.

"Oh no," Blake said.

The seven including Sonic and Shadow had a very angry look on their faces as the Whitefang soldiers began to loot the crates and they heard a voice that they don't want to hear, "HEY! WHAT'S THE HOLDUP?!" A man with orange hair wearing a bowler hat, a white suit and holds a cane in his hand, "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yeah, It's Roman Torchwick," Sonic said with Venom in his voice.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?" Roman said.

"This isn't right, The White Fang wouldn't work with a human. At least not one like that." Blake then stood up as she unsheathes the katana from Gambol Shroud, "Hey! What are you doing!?" Sun tried to stop Blake but fell to deaf ears, Sage just face-palms at her actions as he then said, "Ugh, God damn it, Blake." He then jumps off and follows her as his Friends follows him behind, "Wait a minute... Is that guy the...?" Sun tried to say something then the screen switches to Blake hiding behind the giant crate as she then peaked a little to see Roman talking to a Whitefang soldier holding a coil of rope.

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