Chapter 12 - The discussion, The festival

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After classes have ended, Team SPR went to Ozpin's office and Rosetta then asked, "What do you think Ozpin wanted to discuss with us?" The two looked at her with a questionable expression on their faces, "Who knows, we have to talk to him for us to figure it out." Yin said as Sage and Rosetta nodded at her statement and the elevator doors opened and they saw Ozpin sitting behind his desk drinking his coffee while talking to Qrow and Raven, "Ah, Team SPR, I'm glad that you have come here."

"Hey Uncle Qrow, Hey Auntie Raven. Ok Prof. Ozpin, we're here as you asked me to go to with my sisters so let us cut to the chase, why did you want us to go here anyway?" Sage impatiently asked and Glynda walks in the office just in time, "Ah, Glynda just in time." Glynda nodded and Ozpin said, "Well, there is one reason why I wanted to call you three after classes."

"Ozpin, why did you call my nephew?" Raven asked the headmaster and Ozpin said, "Let me ask you three something, what is your favorite fairytale?"

The three then made a 'Are you serious?' stare as they then said at the same time, "Maidens."

"I see, then-"

"We know about the existence of the four maidens Professor," Rosetta said making the four huntsmen shocked at her response, "Wait, you knew!?!" Qrow yelled while pointing at the three.

"Well, we might've met the Fall maiden two years ago on one of our adventures and we eventually became best friends." Yin stated, "And after that, we've never heard from her again." Sage said as he sadly looks down and his sisters try to comfort him, "She was like a bigger sister to me, she's always there for me when I need her, she's very caring to me, and she always gives me this smile that warms my heart as if I'm in love with her and all. I miss her so much." He said as a single tear runs through his face as the teardrop to the floor, "Well, to make you feel better Mr. Pure. " Sage looks up to face the headmaster, "Ms. Autumn is here at Beacon."


"But her condition is in the critical state." Qrow told them making the three-speed demons worry for Amber, "What do you mean uncle?" Ozpin stood up and walked towards the elevator with Qrow, Raven, And Glynda, "Come, let us show you three something."


When the elevator doors are opened, the three-speed demons are in the strange-looking hallway and at the end of the hallway were two capsules, one is closed and has ice on the inside, and one is wide open, "What is this place?" Yin asked, "I was about to ask the same thing." Sage added.

"This is the vault, this is where we keep the Fall maiden." Glynda stated to the three younglings, "Wait, you said that Amber is in critical condition what do you mean by that?" Rosetta asked as the four adults made a sad expression, "Well, take a look for yourselves." The three-speed demons looked at the capsule where Amber is and their eyes widened when they saw her condition, "What... What happened to her?" Rosetta asked as her voice breaks as if she was about to cry. Qrow and Ozpin explained to them what happened to them and it desolated them especially Sage. Raven walked up to her nephew and places her hand on Sage's shoulder, "Sage, are you okay?" She asked with worry in her voice, then out of nowhere, she saw Sage turning into his dark form. Only his hair was pure black and not his whole body and it startled Raven, Rosetta and Yin saw this and tries to calm him down, "Sage, calm down." Yin tried to calm him down.

"HOW CAN I? THOSE MONSTERS HURT MY BEST FRIEND TO THE POINT WHERE SHE ALMOST DIED! THIS CAN'T GO UNPUNISHED!!!" Sage said with pure anger in his voice while the four adults look at Sage's incomplete transformation, "*Sigh* Sage, I also wanna hurt to those who hurt our friend but going on a big rampage on them would only make the situation worst, just please, calm down, for us." Rosetta said as Sage breathes and reverts, "You're right, I'm sorry about back there." He apologized and the Pure Sisters hugs him side to side, "It's okay, we understand that you are mad about to those who are responsible, but please, just, control your temper next time." Yin told him as Sage hugs them back and the two kisses the both of his cheeks making him smile, "Speaking of which." Sage let go of the hug and opens the capsule where Amber is, "Mr. Pure, what are you doing?!" Glynda shouted in shock but Sage ignored her and carries Amber and places her to the floor.

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