Chapter 11 - What are friends are for?

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After Sage's encounter with his alternate self and his fight with Death, possessing his dimensional twin brother, he and his friends returned to Beacon as they continued on their day.

Later at night...(A/n: Wow, that quick? Sage: Ugh, shut up au-thot! It's your idea to do this time skip! A/n: Yeah! It was my idea and be thankful that I made you this powerful!)

It was late at night at Team SPR's room as Sage was in the bathroom showing his body, Rosetta is reading some books and taking copies from Yin's notebook, and Yin is cooking dinner for the three. (P.S, The dorm they're in has a personal bathroom and kitchen just to let you know.)

"So bro, where have you been all day?" Yin asked from the kitchen.

"It's pretty interesting actually, I went to a different dimension where I met my alternate self." Sage stated as Rosetta then asked, "What is your alternate self look like?" The door from the bathroom opened as Sage came out with a towel on his head, wiping the water off his hair. He is wearing a white shirt revealing his small yet hard muscles, and black sweat pants, "He looks like me except his hair tips are red and he is a ninja." 

"So, that makes you two twin brothers then?" Yin said as she came out with two dishes on two big plates on her hands as she places it at the table and had a feast.

After they finished, the three went to bed not before discussing two things, "Before Death and I continued our battle, he told us about their play for their plans."

"What do they need to accomplish their plans, little bro?" Yin asked.

"They need the powers of the maidens." The Pure sisters' eyes widen when the word maiden was brought up, "WHAT!?" They screamed which made Sage covered his ears, "Jeez, don't yell so loud or else that the entire school will hear your shout, and yeah, we need to find the maidens before they would." Sage said and the two sisters looked at each other before nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we have to find them before the enemy does." Rosetta said with pure determination in her voice, "We think to get stronger so that I can kick their butts!" Yin said as she punches her palm, "So it's settled that we have to train extra hard for this situation. Now for the other thing, our friend, Amber." 

"Oh yeah, she's the fall maiden and which means..."

"Yeah, she's in danger." Yin said as Sage nodded, "We need to find her and make sure she's safe from them." 

"Agreed." The sisters nodded in agreement as Sage yawned then said, "I got one more thing to discuss but that is for tomorrow, now let us get some sleep night guys."

"Good night." Then after that, they fell asleep. Meanwhile, outside of their dorm, Professor Ozpin was listening to their conversation and he was shocked by what he heard and on how they know the existence of the Maidens then leaves the dorm room.


Sage woke up in the middle of the night and saw Rosetta and Yin sleeping peacefully on their beds. He looked outside of the window and saw a familiar blonde leaning on the balcony, he then snuck out of bed and wore a black jacket with his emblem on the back and exited the dorm room.

Thanks to Sage's speed, he was able to get to his location in less than two seconds, when he got to the balcony and peeked around the corner, he saw Jaune leaning over the balcony looking depressed. Sage walked out of the corner and approaches the blonde, "Hello Jaune." Jaune jumped in surprise but he quickly calmed down when he saw Sage, "Oh, h-hey Sage." Sage then walked to his side as he leaned his back against the railing and puts his arms on the railing and looks up in the sky, "Jaune, why the long face?" He asked as Jaune looked at him then said, "O-Oh, its nothing." He lied but Sage knew about it, "Jaune, I know a lier when I see one and talk to one and you know deep down that you can't keep lying forever." Jaune sighed in defeat as he knows that he's right, "Tell me what's wrong."

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