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After the emotional rollercoaster ride that we all were stuck on, everything calmed down. Brian turned on some music, a song I'd never heard before began playing. I watched as Allison did her own thing by the statue. Bender was on top of the statue, rocking his head back and forth which made me laugh. Brian was jumping about excitedly in the room whilst Claire danced in her own world on the staircase. 

Andrew sat on the railing drumming his leg to the beat. Seeing the others letting loose made me want to join in the vibe so I climbed up on top of a table and started dancing freely. Nobody cared if Vernon entered, nobody cared about anything. The only thing that mattered was the music that united us- a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, an artist and a criminal.

As Andy demonstrated an air guitar, Bender and Allison shuffled their feet sideways before the boys got up and did their own little dance, it was funky and interesting. Then, Claire, Allison and I got up and did our own little dance, twisting about the place. To end the song, Bender jumped about crazily as Allison dramatically made her way to the floor. When it was all over, Bender crawled back through the air duct to where ever it was that Vernon had banished him to. The rest of us sat on the railing: It went me, Andrew, Allison, Claire and Brian.

"Brian?" Claire said. "Hmm?" He hummed in response. "Are you gonna write your paper?" Claire asked. "Yeah, why?" Brian replied. "Well, it's kinda a waste for all of us to write our own paper, don't you think?" She said. "Well, that's what Vernon wants us to do" Brian stated. "True, but I think we'd all kinda say the same thing" she replied. "You just don't want to write your own paper, right?" Brian grinned. "True but...You're the smartest right?" Claire said. "Well..." Brian chuckled nervously. "We trust you" Claire smiled. The rest of us agreed.

"Yeah" Andrew added. "Alright, I'll do it," Brian said. "Great" Claire replied. She then looked Allison up and down. "Come on" Claire instructed. "Where are we going?" Allison asked cautiously. "Come on!" Claire smiled. As she and Allison were about to leave, she grabbed my hand and pulled me along too. I watched as Claire gave Allison a makeover in the back room. "Don't be afraid?" Claire said softly.

"Don't stick that in my eye!" Allison said firmly. "I'm not sticking it- just close. Just go like that" Claire replied, demonstrating to Allison. Allison looked completely different but she rocked the new style. "Good" Claire smirked "You know, you really do look better without all that black shit around your eyes."

"Hey, I like that black shit" Allison grinned. "This looks a lot better" Claire insisted "Look up." Allison did as she was told. "Oh please, why are you being so nice to me?" Allison asked curiously.

"Because you're letting me" Claire smiled.


With Claire gone to find Bender, I walked out of the room followed by Allison. Andrew looked up in shock, gazing at her in admiration. Brian was busy writing his essay at the table. Andrew jumped down and they started walking towards each other but Allison stopped in her tracks when she noticed Brian staring with his jaw open. "Johnson!" I called out. He looked at me and snapped out of his thoughts. "You look great" he whispered to Allison with a goofy smile. "Thank you" she mouthed.

"What happened to you?" Andrew asked in awe. "Why? Claire did it" Allison replied suspiciously "What's wrong?" Andrew smiled nervously "Nothing's wrong. It's just...It's just so different. I can see your face." Allison looked at him with flirty eyes. "Is that good or bad?" She asked. "It's good" Andrew pronounced, biting his lip. Brian looked at his essay proudly, our eyes met for a second and I felt myself blushing.

After a long Saturday, Vernon finally let us free of the detention, we all walked out together. Andrew and Allison were holding hands, Bender's arm was wrapped around Claire. Brian and I weren't connected like the others but we walked close to one another. On the way out, we saw Carl. "See you, Brian," Carl said. "Hey, Carl" Brian replied back softly. "See you next Saturday" Bender smirked at Carl. "You bet" Carl smirked back.

Once outside, I wasted no time in grabbing Brian and pulling him close for a kiss. At first, he was shocked but he quickly melted into my embrace, the kiss was gentle and loving. We pulled apart a few minutes later. "Thank you for everything Brian" I whispered to him. He smiled at me, not fully understanding why I said what I said. "See you around angel," he said to me. He stroked my cheek and then headed into his dad's car before they drove away.

I stood at the top of the stairs and observed everyone else. Andrew and Allison kissed, she ripped a piece of his jacket before she was driven off. Then Andrew was picked up. Claire removed one of her diamond earrings and placed it into Bender's hand. They kissed, and then Claire got into her car. Bender put the earring on and saluted to me before walking away. I waved back at him before heading over to the bike stand. I unchained my bike, took one last glance at Shermer High School and began riding home.


Third Person P.O.V

Richard Vernon entered the library and began reading the essay that Brian wrote:

Dear Mr Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...

...and an athlete...
...and a basket case...
...a princess...
...an artist...
...and a criminal.

Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.

John Bender walked through the field. In the process, he thrust his fist into the air for the amazing things he and 5 other students did. He felt accomplished.

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