"White rose?...Who am i?" Part 2

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"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Also i recommend all readers to listen to the music above , no worries its 1 hour so it'll probably last at the end of your reading (its my fave song :3)...anyways enjoy your reading"

"Now on to the story"


"Well from now on your ending your relationship with him" Ayato said angrily while putting and letting Yui stand on her feet.

  "But i-.." i tried to said something but he blocked me and said, "Yes you are now lets go to school, where going to be late".


   The vampires used their powers since the limo broke pretty much cause of car crash. So everyone got to school and it went just fine i guess since since no vampire bitting happened. Everyone got home safe after shcool and we all went to bed.

(the next morning)

Yuruki's Pov

   I woke up and happily no one is in my room...well thats what i thought.*yawn*. I did my routine but something went wrong. I went inside my bathroom and tooth brushed..., in this time i didnt notice anything but when i went to do my bath, still sleepy, i saw,... "Shuu-san?", i said in shock. "Why are you inside my bathroom and using my bathtub?" i asked sleepy but i only got silence. Maybe he cant here me with those earphones Or hes asleep?...and why is he still in hes uniform?...bathing with clothes on?...i thought. Ugh...forget it ...ill just be using my shower. I opened the shower and sitted on the tiles still sleepy. Whithout tooking my clothes off since im woried what could possibly happen since shuu-san i also inside the bathroom...i mean hes just a few steps away...what if he enters without prermission?...i cant just let him see me showering...naked....ugh what a lucky day. I wanted to sing while im inside the shower but what if he heard me singing? i thought
. Nahh hes asleep and got earphone on sooo...i sang...

-the music is above

   As i finished the singing i went out to see noone?. Shuu-san wasnt in the bathtub anymore...then i felt a sudden someone from behind that hugged me and bit me in my neck and sucked nearly half of my blood i didnt bother scream or grunt since it wasnt that hurting, im used to punches,slaps, and being pulled by hair...i could tell it is one of the sakamaki brothers. When he hugged me i saw a bracelets his wrisk. Its,..."Shuu-san?, u said in a low and calm voice with a little shock. Then after he finished himself he backed away and said, "U can use the bathtub now", in a low and lazy voice...but when i turned back...hes gone. I sighed and look at the mirror ang saw a bite mark in the right side of my neck....i kinda feel a little dizzy but im okay...i guess.

   I took a bath, dry and brush my hair. I braid my hair to my usual braid then looked again to the mirror and the bite mark is still their but it did closed a bit, it became smaller.

(in the dining table)

   As i approach the dining table. Oh crap they are all there already...even Yui, i thought."Your late",Reiji-san said while adjusting his glasses. "Pardon my behavior, Reiji-san", with a emotionless look and voice. "What did really happened to you Yuruki-san?...Your not usualy late when you go eat your break fast" Reiji-san asked me. Its Reiji-san's first time to call me by my name...did he ate something that he called me by my name....well if you'd ask me....its kinda cute to hear. Wait what?...what am i thinking?. "Are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?", Subaru-san said to me in a harsh way. "Its nothing Reiji-san...i just...kinda slept longer this time" i answered to Reiji-san's question earlier then sat to my usual seat right next to Yui.

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