"An Apple Tree? What does that mean?" Part 2

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"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Also i recommend all readers to listen to the music above , no worries its 1 hour so it'll probably last at the end of your reading (its a one of my fave songs :3)...anyways enjoy your reading"

"Now on to the story"



    Me saying that i didnt wanna talk about it with a serious look and voice, might have worked to them and they didnt want to bother but ofcourse Reiji-san told me while we were eating that i needed to go to his room later. And discuss some things.



Yuryki's Pov

   After all that happened, i cant think straigth anymore, whats happening to me?. This past few days were tough, its only been a week in this goddamn mansion and im suffering from weird and scary dreams...more like a nightmare if youd ask me. I just dont get it, everything that has been happening to me are all...all...meaningless, whats the purpose of having this weird scary nightmares?, wolves, family? I dont even have those. And why do everytime it ends...t-.. they would try to harm me?. Do you know anything about this Seiji?...arghhh...am i going insane?. Oh god, plss make it stop...its going to make me insane.

   Its been hours and im still waiting for them to go home from school. Speaking of school...ive been taking absence for a while now, oh god dont tell me when i go there after i recovered i would look dumb. I wonder whats the teacher have been teaching. Gasped....i clearly forgot about it...
Subaru-sannnn!. Hes been keeping a very long distance and acts like i dont exist, hes still angry about me sneaking to his room isnt he?, *sighed* and i remember that when hes about to punch me that time i went to that tree-tree.

   Ughh...im so tired even if i havent done anything rather than laying to the living room's sofa and thinking about all the weird scary stuffs thats been happening. Wait a minute.....i havent been holding bunny for a while...i cant believe i forgot about bunny even for a while.

   I walked to my room and i saw my bunny sittin' beside my blue lamp. Thats when a shocking thing happened...i didnt know... i kinda forgot about it...i wasnt aware..
beleive me...i swear...

   I didnt know why buy i felt like looking through the window. Outside i saw someone...by its silhoette...i cant be wrong with my guess. I...its...Yuma-san?

   Buy why?...i didnt want to go to him because the sakamaki brothers would definetly be angry to me...as i remember at this time the brothers will be here any minute...what ever happens...ughh never mind...let the faith deside what will happen next....my curiosity was bugging me...i just cant do it anymore.

   I went outside and approached Yuma-san. "I thought you wont come out, i guess you still have some concern to us", yuma-san said lookibg down to me with his right hand patting my head and his left hand on his school pants's pocket. I took his hand of my head and said, "Why are you in here, do you know the consiquences?, What if the brothers find out? Are you out of your mind?, i know whats on your mind but please dont take it the wrong way, im just thinking about all of you", narrowing my eyes and frowning to convince him that im serious and not fooling arround.

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