"You cant be ruining me now! (half part)"

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"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Also i recommend all readers to listen to the music above , no worries its 1 hour so it'll probably last at the end of your reading (its a one of my fave songs :3)...anyways enjoy your reading"

"Now on to the story"



Everyone was shocked to this news. They all became serious. After a long cold, uncomfortable silence....

Reiji-san adjusted his glasses and said...





Yuruki's Pov

   I've been here for a few days now, "hahahaha", I laughed. Of course no one is coming knowing I got kidnapped... but tomorrow night is the ambush night, I have to save my sister and the others. Knowing the plots and settings it weird but whatever happens even if I hate my sister cause she can be dumb, most of the time, she's very selfless and always cared for me ever since. She's a very nice person and I should know that. Now I'm regretting the days I've been cold towards her and the days I ignored her caring, I'm missing her? hahahaha, you caught me right here nee-san.

   We attended school like wise but I, well "I kind of  hurt myself a few days ago so Yuma-san got me there", I said to "Ruki-san everything still hurts okay?", I said. "I don't see so, lets go", he said grabbing my hand. This is harder than expected I mean I can convince Reiji-san with this but this people just don't really care the fact that "I'm just a tool to get the EVE", I murmured. "That's true", Azusa-san said. Oh Azusa... I didn't notice when we went in the car but yeah, I was looking at Azusa-san all this time, Well not like directly but I am into him. He's like Ayato-san... "I'd like to ask about the lake... you were the girl yes?", He asked smiling. I was shocked in confusion, "Huh? I'm not, I haven't been in a lake", i said nervously. Idk why I'm affected with something I don't even know. He giggled then smiled at me and said "I was just joking". I felt a sudden relief, when I fell  in the sakamaki's mansion, did I forget something?. 

   "Where here", said Ruki-san. Like wise I need to hide from the sakamaki brothers. But neither did i know they were already there waiting for me. 

   I wanted to go to the bathroom to think about the things that's currently happening but on y way from a nearby corner in the abandon classroom's side someone grabbed me from my waist closed my mouth with their hand and pinned me. "Why didn't you try to go home?". Wait what? this voice its, its "Subaru-san?", I thought. "tsk, you like them now?", Subaru-san asked. "I tried but I failed, none of you tried either, what's the point?", i said with no emotion. "Your coming with us", he said pulling my hand and started walking. I followed him and glad that I will be home now, i mean in the sakamaki's mansion with Nee-san. I can save them all,        or can I?

                                                                           (Sakamaki's Mansion) 

Yuruki's POV

   Everyone as in "everyone" are now in the living room, including me. Its so silent, it killing me!, so I spoke up its not like any of them are planning to do so. "When is the full moon, again? My head was soooo fuzzy that i forgot what even the date is already, it was just like yeste-", i tried saying but Reiji-san popped my bubble saying "What happened?" he asked. "Do you know how shocked and worried i was?", Yui added with the first time angry+sad reaction in her face crying like a baby loss in a mall. "Ill explain if someone of you guys tell me when is the full moon", i smiled like everything is fine. I dont know why but Shuu-san is the one who told me when the full moon is saying "The full moon is tomorrow" I was cool but then he added a question saying "Is there something a tarhead like you know about the full moon than humans general knowledge?, are you..... up to something?, is it the mukamis?" with hes eyes closed like he never said anything that uncool at all.

    Now that kind of attitude pisses me of, i cant go more suspicious now, do I? i got already to this mansion i cant fail now, those bullying and living in that hell like church with a stupid caramel like rotting in the ears. "Oh its nothing..." i have to make a very normal answer to that, "I just thought of visiting a nearby lake in full moon, itd be beautif-" i answered, tho its a bit not so normal i just thought id really block the suspicion off with an immediate answer, though I'm good at lying, that something i myself cant lie. Reiji bursted out my bubble and said with anger and confusion "You cant go in there tomorrow your prohibited to go there, non of you two have gone out the woods yet, so how did you get such information?!".

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