"White rose?...Who am i? "Part3

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"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Also i recommend all readers to listen to the music above , no worries its 1 hour so it'll probably last at the end of your reading (its one my fave song :3)...anyways enjoy your reading"

"Now on to the story"


"Get some rest Yuruki-san", Reiji-san said to me..and i just noded to him and they all walked out...
Well as of me me...im still confused of what happened just now...i dont think its a nightmare at all.......i feel like........its.....a.......message?......


Yuruki's Pov


I opened my eyes...i looked at the wall clock and saw that it was already 7:00. Shi* i need to get ready i 30 minutes. I did my stretches as quickly as possible and took my bath, dry, brush, and braid my hair as usual brading, put on my uniform and go straight to the dining table.

I walked as fast as i could to the dining table and in the hallway i saw Yui so i approached her saying, "Hey Yui" then he turned around and said, "Oh...Yuruki-chan, i thought your already eating". "Im kinda not early today cause i woke up at 7:00.....how about you?". " Well Ayato-san and Laito-san bit me just as i woke up, i didnt really have time to look at the time so i just got ready as fast as i could and here i am". "Yo...your their fav. meal". "Ive been good this few days since they dont bite me as much as they do to you, so i wish it will remain that way" i said with a sigh. "Lucky you", she said with a sad smile.

As we walked toward the dining table. "Why are you two late?" Reiji-san asked the two of us while adjusting his glasses. "I...uhhh...ummm..." Yui said stuttering not knowing what to say. "Ayato-san and Laito-san bit her", i said with a calm voice and emotionless look at my face. Ayato-san and Laito-san wasnt that shock but i could say that they are thunking on how did i know or if Yui told me about it. "H-.." Reiji-san, trying to say something but i already know that he was going to ask my own reason of being late. "I overslept", i said interrupting what Reiji-san was trying to say while looking at him directly to his eyes and i could say as his eyes narrow that his not grateful about me interrupting what he was about to say but i stayed calm and and still wore an emotionless look on my face.

Everyone was shocked of my attitude for the night and stared at me while Yui looked sad and lowered her head facing the floor like she was about to cry. "Hoe-chan is feisty today", Laito san commented as hes looking at me with a closed eye smile. "Sorry, i just wanted to eat and go to school already", i said looking away while narrowing my eyes avoiding an eye contact to any of the brothers. "Since when did you wanted school?", Subaru-san said in a low voice that i thought was cute. I kinda blushed a bit but ignored the feeling and also avoid hes question cause i didnt want anymore further conversation. I dont even know why am i acting like this. As Reiji-san had feeling that i wont be answering Subaru-san he then said, "You two may now take your seat" while adjusting hes glasses". Yui and I seated to our own usual seats.

I was expecting Subaru to say something harsh since i didnt answered his question and surprisingly he didnt but when i glanced at him he was staring at me in his narrowed eyes while he was eating...i know hes angry...but at the same time i do admiy that i liked it when he stared at me but that stoped when i just realized that hes not going to get hes eyes glaring with angry at me.. then i got a little scared cause antil we got inside the limousine hes still, still glaring at me but when we got of the limousine he stopped and i sighed in relief knowing he had stopped already then when its the time we split up and go to our own classes i sticked out my tongue his back if you know what im trying to tell.

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