"White rose?...Who am i?" Part 4

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"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Also i recommend all readers to listen to the music above , no worries its 1 hour so it'll probably last at the end of your reading (its a mix of my fave sad songs :3)...anyways enjoy your reading"

"Now on to the story"


   "What happened in here?", Reiji-sab asked. "We heard screaming in here", Yui added. Then as i turned my eyes to look at Subaru-san, i saw him clenching his fist  and grinning with a narrowed eyes. "Oh oh", i thought. Then he tried to punch me straight at my face but something weird happened that i didnt expect....no one expected that to happen...i...i...i...




Yuruki's Pov

   Oh my goodness...what just happend...how did i teleported..and what?...where am i, and what is this place. Im like inside a clock cause its moving in circle but like its a church's roof  or something? Is it in the middle of the sky? then i looked down and saw that theres no floor?, i kinda got nervous cause i thought i was gonna fall but no, SIKE!. This place is hella huge i say as i looked up then i turned around to see more...and i saw a....Tree?. "Apple Tree?" i kinda said loudly but not that loud.Only loud enough to be heard. "How come theres a Apple Tree growing out of no where, bruhh...but i do see the root and a little dirt and grass in circle in here...but..., its floating?, whatever...", i thought looking at it. "Uhh hello?, can anyone here me?", i asked and my voice echoed. I walked to the tree, i didnt know what to do so i just sat. A few second later i heard a guy calling someone saying, "Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve...".

   "Who's Eve?", i thought thinking if i ever heard that name...then...something came into my mind. Eve...thats it. Thats the name Kou-san, Yuma-san, Azusa-san, and Ruki-san called Yui when our limousine crashed. "But  who is the guy thats saying Eve just then, i dont think its the Mukami's nor the Sakamaki's or anything. "Ummm...Hello?, i heard you saying Eve a few times a while ago..", i said expecting to heard a response from whoever was that.

   But no. There was pure silence. I was kinda got hungry just by staring at the apples but when i tried to get one i fell in a pure white place with nothing. I screamed when i suddenly fall, i prepared myself for facing my death but then i realized that theres no ground then got scared cause of my gut feeling that ill fall forever. I mean who would want to choose of infite falling the rest of your living life the just die still falling by yourself with no one and nothing than going to die already and not suffer from hunger, dehydration, not being able to sleep,and anxiety till you die.

(at the sakamaki's)

   Everyone gasp in shocked when Yuruki disappeared when Subaru was going to punch her. "Where did Yuruki-chan go?", Yui said worried and scared. "Yo, Melon can teleport?", Ayato said in unbelievable face. "Seems like shes hiding something from us", Reiji said adjusting hes galsses. "Shes amazing dont you think teddy?" Kanato said to his stuff toy teaddy bear. "Hoe -chan is quite impressing me", Laito said smirking. "What a troublesome", Shuu said with his eyes closed, frowning. While Subaru is still shocked and angry.

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