Part Nineteen

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Multiple days and evenings had passed since Victor had kissed me. Fortunately, as those days had passed, the concern I had over the whole situation had faded. I had never wanted to hurt him but I knew in my heart that I would never be capable of returning his feelings. I was going to keep this entire situation quiet from most people, even Cecily. Although, I expected her brother would probably fill her in if he wanted to. I just knew that Cecily did have a tendency to blurt out things she shouldn't, and that was why I was going to keep it hidden from her. 

I felt as though that hadn't been the only thing that I had been hiding from people recently but that was an entirely separate issue in itself. I took a deep breath, brushed through my hair and then got ready to go and speak to Avery. 

Avery's eyes brightened and a mischievous smile made its way onto her face, as I entered her room. 

"There you are!" she said, as she began to wander over to me, "I was beginning to wonder whether you had got eaten by wolves!". 

"No wolves," I replied, "Thankfully." 

Avery's nose wrinkled up a little then, as her bright eyes inspected me. 

"Are you okay? You seem as though you have a lot on your mind," she said. 

"Me? No, I'm absolutely fine," I said, hoping that she wouldn't catch onto the fact that was absolutely a lie. 

Avery gave me a look of uncertainty, but also just shrugged, which told me it was about time I changed the subject. 

"Your hair looks kind of fluffy today. It's nice," I told her. 

Avery just motioned her hands over it, which had the opposite of the intended effect. She narrowed her eyes at me. 

"My hair is fine," she said. 

"That's what I said!" I replied in protest, hoping that I hadn't hurt her feelings. 

"So, how's becoming an empress going...or is that a touchy subject?" she asked me. 

"It's okay. It's just..." the kiss came back into my mind, then, and I realised that there was a very real reason why I hadn't wanted Victor to kiss me. 

I didn't need to like men at all because I liked women. More specifically, I was beginning to realise that I liked the woman standing right in front of me. 

I felt myself frown at the mere thought. It wasn't as though I could ever tell her that. 

I was being ridiculous. That was the appropriate word to refer to this entire situation. Ridiculous. 

"Coin for your thoughts, pumpkin?" Avery asked me. 

I didn't say a word, so Avery just stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me, tightly. 

I was surprised but I found myself hugging her back. 

Avery soon drew back from the hug, with a small smile upon her face. 

"What was that for?" I asked her. 

"Well, you weren't giving me answers. So, I thought a hug would be appropriate," she told me, "At least, I know hugs help me when I'm feeling down," she added, a little shyly, as she pulled some hair down over her forehead. 

I smirked at that statement. 

"Well thank you. And you're a hugger, huh?" I asked her. 

Avery just playfully shoved me, then, as she chuckled. 

"Shut up," she said, "You asked me to move in within a few weeks of knowing you." 

"Fair point," I replied. 

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