Part Five

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Days passed by but each time I visited Avery's cell, she didn't say a word to me. Could I blame her for that, though? Not really. After all, I had been the one to capture her in the first place. I just tried to take my mind off it all. It wasn't the easiest of things to be done, that much could be said. However, I had to try. Apart from studying old history books from the library and making sure that I continued to feed Avery, I just had to get through the day. I was glad that it was the Star season. I could just relax in the warm weather.

 At least, I could relax for a short while before the guilt of what I had done began to seep in again. I just tried to shrug it away. I knew I couldn't keep her here forever but...her carriage had broken. It wasn't as though she could go anywhere else any time soon. My father also would probably flip his lid if he knew that an enemy was within the castle but she was limited in what she could do from within her cell. Everything that had come to pass just begged the question- why had she been out here in the first place? 

Did she want something from us? Was she trying to get information to help the enemy? I was going to have to be careful with what I told her. 

I couldn't really expect to get any answers out of her any time soon, and so I just exhaled. I was thinking about going to visit Avery's cell again but I realised there was something that I was going to have to do, no matter how scary. I was going to have to tell my father about this. I could do this. I would just have to ease him into finding out about it. The conversation could go by without a hitch. Maybe. A woman could wish. 

I could also wish for Avery to speak to me again so that I could find out a little more about why she was even here, aside from me capturing her, of course. I still couldn't help but admire the fact that I had done that. I mean, I really had captured the enemy's daughter, only to begin to find that the daughter of the enemy might just be my enemy, too. I exhaled in partial concern at the thought of it. However, perhaps my father was right in what he had told me all those years ago, maybe I really just had to have my guard up and be extraordinarily careful in who I trusted.

I worked up some energy and decided that it was about time for me to make my way towards my father's office again. I had matters to discuss with him. 

Before I even reached his office, though, I ended up meeting with him in the hallway castle. 

"Father," I said. 

As Harold caught my gaze, his eyebrow raised a little. He swiftly wandered over to me. 

"It's a beautiful day outside, Haven, what are you doing inside the castle?" he asked me. 

"I need to talk to you about something and show you something," I said. 

"Well, I'm rather busy, Haven. Is it important?" he asked me.

I exhaled in my partial excitement, partial nervousness. 

"I would say so, yes," I replied. 

His eyes brightened in curiosity at that statement. 

"Alright. Well then, lead the way," he told me. 

Thus, my father and I began to make our way down the hallway until we reached the stairs that led to the cellars. 

"The cellar staircase? What do you intend to show me, Haven?" he asked me. 

"I promise I can explain everything once we're there," I promised him. 

My father raised his slightly scarred arm up, as he moved a hand through his graying hair. 

"Okay," he said in agreement, although his jaw twitched a little expressing his uncertainty over these matters.

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