Writer's note

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OK,so I totally fell in love with RC9gn to the point where I followed him on wattpad and read everything I could about him.
Then there was this thing going on that trended everywhere you found RC9gn related things:(The Secret Trio). Some genius had the smart idea of making a team out of RC9gn ,DP and Jake long. It was like all my favorite cartoons squished into one.
How the cheese could I miss out on that?
Plus I never really did like the idea of fowlham which is Randy x Theresa because no offense,Theresa,I don't hate you but if you were to be hit by a car, I'd be the one driving it
So in any fanfic I write, don't get be surprised if fowlham doesn't happen in any of them cause........they won't.
Anyway, enjoy the book,stay safe and............

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