New kid on the block

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Randy couldn't care less about the brunette that just walked into class. He was too busy bemoaning the fact that Mrs Driscoll had put him a seat away from Howard due to the class being disturbed by their extreme conversation of the new (about to be released) edition of Grave Punchers.

But then the brunette just had to sit right between them breaking up the little communication they had managed to sustain between each other. He huffed and turned away,slightly annoyed.

He felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He ignored it at first but it grew persistent.

What the cheese does she want?

He turned slightly and she handed him a note; From Howard:
What do you think of Y/N?
He frowned.

Who was Y/N?
Did he mean there was a new kid?

Then he realized, the brunette beside him was the new girl but he hadn't noticed because he was too busy contemplating about his life.

Shoob;he heard his subconscious mind say to him.
He snuck a glance at her; she had shoulder length brown hair dyed red at the tips; jade green eyes and a neutral face.

Nothing to make out of that.

She was talking with Howard.
I don't know,was his reply.
Howard sent him a look that clearly meant:
Took you long enough; Shoob.

Then the bell rang and he smiled: Freedom.
Right before his bag began to glow red. He sighed and restrained himself from banging his head on the table
What now?

Howard was nice, really nice but I wasn't so sure of the guy with purplish black hair. He'd barely even noticed me. l nudged Howard, "Who's that?", I'd said motioning to. "purple hair" over there.

"Oh,that's Cunningham, he's a shoob but I talk to him anyway", comes the reply. I stiffen a laugh.

Cunningham?, seriously?.
What sort of name is that?

I stifle more laughs triggered by my thoughts but Mrs Driscoll is too busy smooching with the skeleton to notice.
Yeesh. Now that's just sad.

Howard taps me slightly and hands me a note,"Pass it to the shoob beside you.", he whispers. I stifle another laugh

I tapped him slightly on the shoulder only for him to ignore me. I was starting to get irritated
I wasn't really a patient kind of person.

I tapped him again, he turned frowning. I handed him the note instantly wishing I'd read it first even though it was none of my business. I'd always had that problem.

It read:
What do you think of Y/N?
Of me?
What does he think of me?
But he barely spoke to me. Sorry, he hasn't spoken to me.

He handed the note back to me after replying and I handed it to Howard.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see his reply.
Howard shoots him a look.
What does that mean?

The bell rings.
"Purple Hair" lets out a sigh of relief then a groan in succession.
So.........he's bipolar.

"Hey Howard, I have to go.........", he stops as his eyes go to me and back,"........... Do something in the bathroom real quick.", he finishes hurriedly and leaves with his book bag.
Who carries their book bag to the bathroom with them?

2 other guys come in.
One with dark hair, blue eyes wearing a white and red shirt with blue jeans while the other one was of average height (Howard's height),had green tipped black hair and wore a red zip up with black jeans. They walked up with Howard."Hey Howard,so where's Randy?", The first one says." Just went shloomping off into you-know-what!",Howard replies, gesturing.

"Um,hi?", I say waving awkwardly, 6 pairs of eyes turn to me. "Oh,guys,this is Y/N,she's new here.", Howard explains,*Y/N,this is Danny and Jake." I smile at them reassuringly.

"So who wants to get some gravy fries in the cafeteria? It's your turn to get Randy fries today,Howard."

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