Chapter 6 : Square One

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Y/N's P.O.V.

For the record, I had absolutely no idea that Norrisville had superheroes in it, much less 3 of them.

I'd come here to live a normal life and apparently even that isn't working out

I can't believe Pixel's back.
I was sure that he was a goner after that explosion but then of course he'd act all cliché and come back now,when my life was almost normal.

I sigh.

Guess it was never meant to be.

I walk out of the bathroom stall and join the rest of the students in a murmuring crowd in front of the school. I shoulder my way through silently, catching a few words here and there.
Something about a ninja?
I shake my head. No, that's not right.

"Y/N!" A voice called out from somewhere. I had barely turned around when orange filled my vision and my lungs suddenly felt too tight. "I was so worried. You can't just run off like that. What if you got hurt?"

"Um,Howard? Can't breathe." I manage to wheeze out.

"Oh, sorry." He says, setting me down on my own feet again.

I gulp in air and move my body gingerly.
For someone so small, he sure is strong.

I look around but I can't see Randy,Danny or Jake anywhere.
I turn back to Howard. "Where are the others?"

"Oh, they...uh...had to do this... thing. They'll be back soon so don't sweat it."

I nod and look around for a place to sit. There's a bench nearby. I wave Howard over and we move there.

"We're going to Greg's game hole again today. Wanna come?" Howard offers.
I shake my head "No but thanks anyway. I have a part time job to attend to."

Besides, it's not like Randy wanted me to be there.
He didn't like me, that much was obvious, so it was probably better if I steered clear of him, as clear as I could anyway since Howard's my friend and all.
But Howard's naturally nice so it wasn't set in stone.
And when it came to Danny and Jake, I wasn't sure where I stood with them.
Were they being nice to me because Howard was or because they actually wanted to be?
If it was the former, they'd soon get tired of having me around and become just like Randy and then I'd just have Howard.
But when it all came down to it, he'd choose his old friends over the new girl and even if he didn't, I wouldn't sleep well, knowing I'd destroyed a friendship.
Then it was all back to square one.
No friends.

I had 2 options.

1)Make them like me.
But with the way things were with Randy, I doubted it was possible, unless I could make Randy like me, which would take patience and sweetness, of which I had neither.

2)Make new friends.
There are many obstacles in this route which is why I won't even bother considering it at all.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's actually 3.

3)Stay alone like I used to.
Its relatively easy and a far better route to follow, considering that I have to deal with this Pixel stuff and all.
But then again....

My hands clenched in my lap.

... Part of the reason I came to Norrisville, I don't want to be alone... Not anymore.

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" Howard's voice comes from beside me.
I take a deep breath and look up to give the one thing that's never failed me in times like this; a smile.



I exit the restaurant I worked in and stretch. My shift is over already and it feels like I'd only spent 5 minutes in there instead of the actual 3 hours, probably because I'm used to this lone of work.

As I walk down the road to my house, I can't help but think about how peaceful Norrisville was, before I came.

I suppose it is my fault, I had wished for something to happen, and when it did, it turned out to be something I couldn't manage.
I brought it upon myself, I'd wished for it, hadn't I?

Besides even if I hadn't, it would have happened anyway, even if not this, something equally as discouraging.
Because that's just the way life is.

I could wonder about how Pixel had stayed alive, but I didn't have that much free time. I still had other things to do like figure our what to do about Howard and the rest.
Not to mention that I actually had to find a way to defeat the guy. I don't even know how he knew I moved here.

So yeah, I had more things to worry about than how in the world, the pest had managed to prolong his parasitic life.

How irritating.

I wonder though.

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